Hi all.

Recently our SAP team cloned the PRD Sap environment to test.  The best
restore throughput they could achieve was 8GB per hour.  Accordingly I
started investigating.

The SAP TST system is a 4 way IBM X Series 350 running Windows 2000 SP4 to
FastT 900 disk.  Database is Oracle 9.
TSM Client is and the TDP for ERP is 3.3.12.

TSM Server is 4 way X series 335 running Win 2003 SP1 and TSM  Tape
is a couple of 3584s with LTO1 and 3 drives, all fibre connected.

Running the native backint command to backup a single oracle file of 2GB
size, I got 60GB/hour throughput.  However restoring this file to a
different directory on the same disk gave me about 8.5 GB/hour.

I backed up the file using a standard gui archive, and got 60GB/hour on both
the backup *and* the restore.  The DSM.OPT parameters for BA client and SAP
client are the same.  I've played with TCPBUFFSIZE and TCPWINDOWSIZE to no

I've read the manual forwards and backwards, and am at a loss as to how to
proceed.  Any ideas will be gladly accepted.

Many Thanks


Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
Brisbane, Australia

Here is the relevant qnitsv-bkp01.opt file 
COMMmethod         TCPIP
SLOWINCR           NO
COMPression        OFF
NODEname           TSVSAP03_SAP
TCPPort            1500
TCPServeraddress   qnitsv-bkp01
TCPNODELAY              YES
And here is the relevant initTST.utl file

# Data Protection for mySAP.com(R) technology interface for ORACLE
# Sample profile for Data Protection for mySAP.com(R) technology
# Version 3.2 for Windows NT/2000/XP
# See the 'Data Protection for mySAP.com(R) technology Installation & 
# User's Guide' for a full description.
# For comment symbol the character '#' can be used.
# Everything following this character will be interpreted as comment.
# Data Protection for mySAP.com(R) technology3 V3R3 accesses its profile 
# in "read only" mode only. All variable parameters like passwords, date of 
# last password change, current version number will be written into the file
# specified with the CONFIG_FILE parameter. The passwords will be encrypted.

# Prefix of the 'Backup ID' which will be used for communication with SAPDBA
# and stored in the description field of the Tivoli Storage Manager archive
# function.
# Maximum 6 characters.
# Default: none.

# Number of parallel sessions to be established.
# Note: this number should correspond with the number of simultaneously 
# available tape drives specified for the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
# Default: none.
MAX_SESSIONS            1 # 1 Tivoli Storage Manager client session

# Number of parallel sessions to be established for the database backup.
# Note: this number should correspond with the number of simultaneously
# available tape drives specified for the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
# Default: none.
#MAX_BACK_SESSIONS      1 # 1 Tivoli Storage Manager client session for

# Number of parallel sessions to be established for the archive log backup.
# Note: this number should correspond with the number of simultaneously
# available tape drives specified for the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
# Default: none.
#MAX_ARCH_SESSIONS      1 # 1 Tivoli Storage Manager client session for

# Number of parallel sessions to be established for the restore of files.
# Note: this number should correspond with the number of simultaneously
# available tape drives specified for the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
# Default: none.
#MAX_RESTORE_SESSIONS   1 # 1 Tivoli Storage Manager client session for

# Number of backup copies of the archived redo logs.
# Default: 1.
#REDOLOG_COPIES         2                   # 1 is default

# Specifies whether a null block compression of the data is to be performed
# before transmission to Tivoli Storage Manager. 
# Although RL compression introduces additional CPU load, throughput can be
# improved when the network is the bottleneck. RL compression in Data
# Protection for mySAP.com(R) technology should not be used together with
# Tivoli Storage Manager API compression.
# Default: NO
#RL_COMPRESSION         YES                 # NO is default

# Specifies how many files are multiplexed into one data stream
# to a Tivoli Storage Manager server. Multiplexing is usefull when the data
# rate to a Tivoli Storage Manager server is higher (fast tapes, fast
# than the I/O rate from a single disk.
# The valid range of MULTIPLEXING is from 1 to 8.
# Default: 1 (meaning no multiplexing)
#MULTIPLEXING           3                   # 1 is default

# Specifies the block size for disk I/O (in bytes). The valid range is
# from 4 KB to 256 KB.
# The default values have been chosen from our performance experiments in
# standard hardware environments.
# Default: 131072 (128 KB) on UNIX, 32768 (32 KB) on Windows NT.
BUFFSIZE                32768              # block size in bytes

# Name of a program to be called before the backup task is started.
# Default: none.
#FRONTEND               pgmname parameterlist

# Name of a program to be called after the backup task is completed.
# Default: none.
#BACKEND                pgmname parameterlist

# Maximum number of data base backup versions to be kept.
# Note: Version control by Data Protection for mySAP.com(R) technology is 
# only activated if the SAP R/3 release is 3.0C and higher and the parameter
# MAX_VERSION is not 0.
# Default: 0.
#MAX_VERSIONS           4

# Batch processing
# Default:
# The default for the BATCH parameter is YES for the backup run and NO for
# the restore run if the BATCH parameter is COMMENTED OUT in this profile.
#BATCH                  YES                 # unattended automated operation
#BATCH                  NO                  # manual operation

# Control of error situations
# Default: NO.
#EXITONERROR            3                  # don't exit if an error occurs

# Control of information for reporting purposes, e.g. messages, statistics.
# Default: NO (no additional data will be reported).
#REPORT                 NO                  # no additional messages
#REPORT                 YES                 # all additional messages
#REPORT                 2                   # all additional messages +

# Controls generation of a trace file.
# Note: we recommend using the trace function only in cooperation with
# the hotline.
# Default: OFF
#TRACE                  OFF

# Specify the full path of the trace file.
# Note: for an actual trace the string '%BID' will be replaced by
# the current backupid.
# (...\backint_%BID.trace changes to ...\backint_SAP___9809182300.trace).
# Default: none
#TRACEFILE              x:\oracle\C21\database\backint.trace
#TRACEFILE              x:\oracle\C21\database\backint_%BID.trace

# Specify the full path of the configuration file.
# Default: none.
CONFIG_FILE             D:\oracle\TST\920\database\initTST.bki

# Number of retries to be performed in case of errors when connecting to
# the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
# Default: 3.
#RETRY                  5

# Specify time after which a retry has to be performed (seconds).
# Default: 1.
#TCPWAIT                1

# Number of times to retry saving/restoring a file in case an error occurs.
# The valid range of FILE_RETRIES is from 0 to 100.
# Default: 3.
#FILE_RETRIES           3

# Denotes if Data Protection for mySAP.com(R) technology shall send 
# error/status information to a Tivoli Storage Manager server. 
# The servername must match one of the servers listed in a SERVER statement.

# Values for verbosity can be ERROR, WARNING, or DETAIL.
# Default: none.
#LOG_SERVER             servername    [verbosity]
#LOG_SERVER             server_a      ERROR

# Denotes if Data Protection for mySAP.com(R) technology shall send 
# error/status information to a network management program via SNMP traps.
# Default: none.
#SNMPTRAP               Hostname    community   level
#SNMPTRAP               server_a    public      detail

# Denotes if Data Protection for mySAP.com(R) technology shall use a manual 
# sorting file for disk sorting.
# Default: none.
#SORT_FILE              x:\oracle\C21\database\manual_sort_file

# Statement for multiple Servers and multiple Paths.
# may be used multiple times (one for each server).

SERVER                  qnitsv-bkp01       # Servername
  SESSIONS              2                  # Max sessions
  PASSWORDREQUIRED      YES                # Use a password
  ADSMNODE              TSVSAP03_SAP       # Tivoli Storage Manager Nodename
# USE_AT                0 1 2 3 4 5 6      # Days for backup

#SERVER         server_b                  # Servername
#  SESSIONS            2                  # Max sessions
#  PASSWORDREQUIRED    YES                # Use a password
#  ADSMNODE            NODE               # Tivoli Storage Manager Nodename
#  BRBACKUPMGTCLASS    MDB                # Mgmt-Classes
#  BRARCHIVEMGTCLASS   MLOG1 MLOG2        # Mgmt-Classes
#  USE_AT              0 1 2 3 4 5 6      # Days for backup

# USE_AT : 0=Su 1=Mo 2=Tu 3=We 4=Th 5=Fr 6=Sa
# Default: all days

# End of profile


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