hi all,
after installing tapeutil and atdd for HPUX i must detect serial numbers for
tape devices, after starting tapeutil and opening device /dev/rmt/1mnb
i get

Device /dev/rmt/1mnb opened.
INQUIRY rc 22 (Invalid argument)
The IOC_REQUEST_SENSE ioctl failed: Invalid argument
Failure obtaining device PID

ioscan returns for one tape
tape      2  0/10/0/   stape  CLAIMED     DEVICE       IBM
                          /dev/rmt/2m             /dev/rmt/2mnb
                          /dev/rmt/2mb            /dev/rmt/c28t9d0BEST
                          /dev/rmt/2mn            /dev/rmt/c28t9d0BESTb

i'm confused about STAPE parameter, on test platform which did ok i get

tape      1  0/5/0/  atdd   CLAIMED     DEVICE       IBM
                         /dev/rmt/1m             /dev/rmt/1mnb
                         /dev/rmt/1mb            /dev/rmt/c3t12d0BEST
                         /dev/rmt/1mn            /dev/rmt/c3t12d0BESTb

ATDD worked fine

during installation the production server hanged and we needed a reboot !

how to get rid of loaded STAPE driver (i asume it's a driver) and make it
use atdd (if installed correctly)

#dmesg returns among other stuff this ...

atdd: load() called
atdd: Class is tape
atdd: control init!
atdd: Load complete!

storage agent is version
server is
the communication works fine

here is a tapeutil tryout
|  << GENERAL COMMANDS >>      |    << SERVICE COMMANDS >>      |
|   1: Open Device             |   3: Query Serial Number       |
|   2: Close Device            |   4: Query Microcode Level     |
|   D: Device Type             |   5: Force Dump                |
|   M: Menu Refresh            |   6: Store Dump                |
|   Q: Quit Program            |   7: Download Microcode        |
|                              |   8: Query Driver Level        |
|                   << BASIC SCSI COMMANDS >>                   |
|   9: Test Unit Ready   10: Inquiry      11: Request Sense     |
|  12: Log Sense Page    13: Mode Page    14: Reserve on close  |
|  15: Release           16: Prevent/Allow Media Removal        |

ENTER COMMAND ('M' for Menu) ==> 13

Device not opened.

ENTER COMMAND ('M' for Menu) ==> d

Device not opened.

ENTER COMMAND ('M' for Menu) ==> 1

Enter device special file name (e.g., /dev/rmt/1mnb): /dev/rmt/9m
Select open mode (1=read-write, 2=read, 3=write, 4=append): 2

Device /dev/rmt/9m opened.
INQUIRY rc 22 (Invalid argument)
The IOC_REQUEST_SENSE ioctl failed: Invalid argument
Failure obtaining device PID

ENTER COMMAND ('M' for Menu) ==> d

Unable to verify device attachment: Invalid argument

The IOC_REQUEST_SENSE ioctl failed: Invalid argument

ENTER COMMAND ('M' for Menu) ==> 3

IOC_INQUIRY_PAGE for page 0x80 failed.

The IOC_REQUEST_SENSE ioctl failed: Invalid argument
Failure obtaining tape device serial number: Invalid argument

The IOC_REQUEST_SENSE ioctl failed: Invalid argument

ENTER COMMAND ('M' for Menu) ==> 4

Cannot identify device type.

ENTER COMMAND ('M' for Menu) ==> 8

Failure obtaining the version of ATDD: Invalid argument

The IOC_REQUEST_SENSE ioctl failed: Invalid argument

ENTER COMMAND ('M' for Menu) ==> 12

Enter Log Page code in hex: 80

Enter parameter code in hex or <enter> for all parameters:

IOC_LOG_SENSE_PAGE for page 0x80 failed.

The IOC_REQUEST_SENSE ioctl failed: Invalid argument

ENTER COMMAND ('M' for Menu) ==> 13

Enter Mode Page code in hex: 80

IOC_MODE_SENSE for page 0x80 failed.

The IOC_REQUEST_SENSE ioctl failed: Invalid argument

ENTER COMMAND ('M' for Menu) ==>

i asume that atdd didn't after all install/load correctly, what do you think

another thing on test machine command
# /opt/atdd/bin/atdd_cfg -g DEVICES

it gives 6 which is okay ... but on new machine

--> /opt/atdd/bin/atdd_cfg -g DEVICES
Error opening Configuration file /dev/rmt/atdd.cfg: rc=-1, errno=2

it seems that atdd configuration is broken ...

what to do ? remove it then reinstall ? how will device recognize that they
need atdd ?

does insf -e has options for defining which drivers shoud tape devices use ?

sooo many questions, so little answers on these holidays ... :-|

sorry for long post but i really need help,
thanks for any clue

merry xmas and happy new year

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