    I´ve one server where the backup schedule is not working, if i try to 
backup manually I don´t have problems.
    It´s a Windows2003 server with sp 1 and is running a exchange 2003 with sp2 
server. I make a nt backup that creates a bkf file (nowadays it´s size is 
26.2Gb), that file is what i backup with tsm server.
    dsmerror.log  shows:
12/30/2005 11:41:09 Error opening input file es_ES/dscjres.txt
12/30/2005 11:42:04 Error 0 receiving acknowledgment.
12/30/2005 11:42:04 Error starting Remote Client Agent.
12/30/2005 11:42:04 return code is -1
12/30/2005 11:42:12 Unable to open Acknowledgement Mailslot 
12/30/2005 11:45:46 Error opening input file es_ES/dscjres.txt
12/30/2005 11:49:04 Error opening input file es_ES/dscjres.txt
12/30/2005 11:50:09 Operation stopped by user
12/30/2005 12:02:15 ConsoleEventHandler(): Caught Ctrl-C console event .
12/30/2005 12:02:15 ConsoleEventHandler(): Cleaning up and terminating Process 
12/30/2005 12:34:01 Error opening input file es_ES/dscjres.txt
12/30/2005 15:25:52 Operation stopped by user
12/30/2005 15:46:11 ConsoleEventHandler(): Caught Ctrl-C console event .
12/30/2005 15:46:11 ConsoleEventHandler(): Cleaning up and terminating Process 
12/31/2005 01:00:55 ANS1959W Removing previous incomplete group '\SYSSTATE' 
12/31/2005 01:01:00 ANS1959W Removing previous incomplete group '\WMI' 
12/31/2005 01:01:00 ANS1959W Removing previous incomplete group '\IIS' 
12/31/2005 01:01:00 ANS1959W Removing previous incomplete group '\EVENTLOG' 
12/31/2005 01:25:21 ANS1809W Session is lost; initializing session reopen 
12/31/2005 01:25:21 ANS1809W Session is lost; initializing session reopen 
12/31/2005 01:25:39 ANS1811S TSM session could not be reestablished.
12/31/2005 01:25:43 ANS1999E Incremental processing of '\\server1\c$' stopped.
12/31/2005 01:27:45 ANS1809W Session is lost; initializing session reopen 
    and dsmsched.log shows:
    12/31/2005 01:25:43 ANS1999E Incremental processing of '\\server1\c$' 
12/31/2005 01:27:45 ANS1809W Session is lost; initializing session reopen 
12/31/2005 01:27:46 ANS1898I ***** Processed    18,000 files *****
12/31/2005 01:27:53 ANS1898I ***** Processed    18,500 files *****
12/31/2005 01:28:01 ANS1898I ***** Processed    19,000 files *****
12/31/2005 01:28:08 ANS1898I ***** Processed    19,500 files *****
12/31/2005 01:28:17 ANS1898I ***** Processed    20,000 files *****
12/31/2005 01:28:25 ANS1898I ***** Processed    20,500 files *****
12/31/2005 01:28:35 ANS1898I ***** Processed    21,000 files *****
I´ve already reinstall services but is still in problem.
There´s a limit of  file size that could send to the server?
any suggestions?
Tanks in advance.
  • backup error Marcelo Barreto

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