On 1/18/06, Paul Dudley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We have TSM version 5.2. The client server I am referring to here is
> Redhat linux.
> In the /var/log/tsm/dsmsched.log it lists
> Total number of bytes transferred:    79.18 GB
> However there is only around 60 Gb of data on the server (see df below)
> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/sda1             9.7G  2.1G  7.1G  23% /
> /dev/sdb2             104G   57G   43G  58% /opt
> Can someone explain why the number of bytes transferred exceeds the
> amount of data on the server?

I think retransmits due to files changing during the backup (a common
problem when backing up Linux boxes) will be counted each time even
though only the last such transfer is actually kept by the server. 
It's been a while since I ran the TSM client on a Linux box, though,
so I can't verify this, at least not yet.


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