On Jan 27, 2006, at 8:36 AM, Farren Minns wrote:

Hi Richard

Well, looking at the dirs and files I can see the following :-

'Files' are bound to the following backup copy group.

Version Data Exists        -        3
Versions Data Deleted        -        1
Retain Extra Versions        -        180
Retain Only Version        -        60

'Dirs' are bound to the following (this backup copy group was
created for
something else but as far as I'm aware dirs automatically bind to the
backup copy group with the highest retention settings).

...unless instructed otherwise via DIRMc, per client manual and Admin

Version Data Exists        -        3
Versions Data Deleted        -        1
Retain Extra Versions        -        180
Retain Only Version        -        751

So, looking at the above I can see no reason why there would ever be a
situation where a required dir would not exist for a required file
as we
always keep the only last remaining copy for 751 days.

Also, when using the GUI, I can still see the files when viewing
active/inactive, just not when adding in the point in time too.

Adding PIT makes the operation much more restrictive, and requires
existence of the directory instance which matches that time period.
Irregularities can screw this arrangement up, as for example system
clock values having been incorrect at backup time.

Rather than inspecting current policy values and what you think
should have happened, you need to inspect the actual assignments of
the (surviving) directory objects in TSM storage. Current policy
values are just that: changes to policies over time, and unexpected
bindings, can be the cause of expired objects.

Have a look at Technote 1162784 as well, where IBM lays out the issue.

   Richard Sims

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