Hi everyone,

I've migrated 300GB of fileshare from windows NT to SAMBA Version
3.0.9-1.3E.3.  on Linux RH3AS  2.4.21-32.EL #1 SMP ia64

when I run an   inclemental  all the object under samba share  looks
[changed] from the log.
I solve with   "Copy Serialization.....: Dynamic".

The really problem is that  at the second   inc  ALL  the file under
samba share are backuped again, and this appened every time a do an INC.....

-incrbydateI try  whit   -incrbydate but this is no good solution....
some file with old date putted on the share  are not backupped.

I want to run    INC without "-incrbydate" like before in   windows.... !!

Someone have some IDEa or suggest??

I use

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
Command Line Backup/Archive Client Interface - Version 5, Release 2,
Level 4.0
build date:  Fri Mar 18 10:51:27 2005

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Server Version 5, Release 2, Level 2.2

MgmtClass Name                  : MC_UNIX
Description                     :
Space Management Technique      : None
Auto Migrate on Non-Usage       : 0
Backup Required Before Migration: NO
Destination for Migrated Files  : SPACEMNGT
Copy Group
       Copy Group Name........: STANDARD
       Copy Type..............: Backup
       Copy Frequency.........: 0 day(s)
       Versions Data Exists...: 5 version(s)
       Versions Data Deleted..: 1 version(s)
       Retain Extra Versions..: 30 day(s)
       Retain Only Version....: 60 day(s)
       Copy Serialization.....: Dynamic
       Copy Mode..............: Modified
       Copy Destination.......: STG_UNIX

Davide Fanizzo
Banca Akros
Network and Security admin

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