If they were unreadable at the time of the reclaim, they are still on
the ORIGINAL volume.  
They will be reclaimed the next time reclamation runs, since the volume
is readable again.
No further action required.

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Larry Peifer
Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 4:24 PM
Subject: ANR4936I Reclaim with unreadable files

I'm wondering if any corrective action needs to be taken due to the
following condition.

ANR4936I Reclamation of storage pool TAPEPOOL5 has ended.
Files reclaimed: 1098621, Bytes reclaimed: 157994931645,
Files reconstructed: 16900, Unreadable files: 150.
(SESSION: 42033)

This is the first and last time I've ever found this condition. The only
diagnostic action taken was to do an 'audit vol' of the volume that
received the reclaimed data.

Root cause turned out to be several jammed tapes in the 3583 library and
bad gbic. Once the gbic was replaced and the tapes manually adjusted and
'audit library checkl=bar' was run then everything seems normal.

Running TSM server 5.3.1 on AIX 5.2 ML5 with 3583 libraries.

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