On Friday 03 March 2006 14:11, Mark Stapleton wrote:
> Sanergy is essentially a dead product at IBM. Its theory was beautiful,
> but its reality had more than its share of issues.
> IBM is now promoting SanFS as the solution you might be looking for.
> Disk-to-disk is not supported yet (I think), but it is supposedly coming.
The reason why I'm asking this is that I have to "design" some backup
scenarios.  Each time there is a SAN and a (slower) LAN between 2 sites.  One
site is the primary site with the production servers, the other site is the
DR/test/acceptation site.  Somehow I have to backup servers on both sites and
do electronic vaulting.  Preferable no tape library.

I have some idea's, but none of them is good enough.  Right know, I'm doing
SAN based backups from the second site to the first site to a library.

The best setup I can find is setting up a TSM server on each site.  Each TSM
server can access SAN disks on it's own site and disks on the other site (for
copy stgp).  The only problem I see is monitoring the disk usage so I can
give each TSM what it needs.
Also, for the copy storage pool I need FILE based disk storage pools and that
means reclamation.  And reclamation on a remote SAN means lots of data


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