On Sat, Apr 01, 2006 at 09:46:00PM -0500, Allen S. Rout wrote:

> Speaking as someone buried in my own PERL up to my nose:
        [snip: quite a good argument]
> I don't think I could be as effective with a third-party product as I
> am with my own stuff.  I do think that the person who gets my job
> after I get hit by a truck will curse me for years.

Thanks, those are good points. But it does beg the question: how bad is
your current situation? :) I mean, is it such a spaghetti that nobody,
except you as the developer, can *really* get it? Isn't *that* something
you could change, so that your successor can as effective as you are?
(Implementing and migrating to a third party product costs time and money,
wouldn't that better be spent cleaning up the custom code?)

Third-party programs are indeed spread more widely, but this also means
they must be more complex because they must support configurations which
you don't even use. Homegrown code has only the complexity you need.

As a side note: it would really *really* be nice to have a documented
API to enter dsmadmc commands....
Jurjen Oskam

Savage's Law of Expediency:
        You want it bad, you'll get it bad.

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