Have you tried a q vol * access=unavailable  If the volume shows up,
then do a update vol* acc=readw whereacc=unav.

Bob Martoncik
Lucas County Information Services

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/5/2006 10:01 AM >>>
Can you put your library into manual mode?  If so, I think I would do
and then do a 'move data' while manually mounting the tapes myself.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/5/2006 9:33:23 AM >>>
An audit of the library:

  ANR8457I     AUDIT LIBRARY: Operation for library 4560SLX started as

                      process 18. (PROCESS: 18)
  ANR8455E    Volume 000035S could not be located during audit of
                       4560SLX.  Volume has been  removed from
thelibrary inventory.
  ANR8461I      AUDIT LIBRARY process for library  4560SLXcompleted
  ANR0985I      Process 18 for AUDIT LIBRARY running  in the
                           completed with completion state SUCCESS

  I am using 2 X IBM 4560 drives (slave and master) and the server is
running Suse 8. To my knowledge, there's no driver such as IBMTape
could be used by Tapeutil, for example. The inventory function of the
library succeeds (on-panel diagnostics).

  As far as copy pools go, I wish I had some ....

David E Ehresman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Date:         Wed,
Apr 2006 09:14:28 -0400
From: David E Ehresman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fwd: Re: Data tape in limbo

  It sounds to me like either the robots management software does not
the tape is in the library or that the tape's internal label is no
longer readable.

Have you done an audit library from the tape library's point of view,
not TSM's?  If not, that is where I would start.  If you do that,
it with a tsm audit library.

If you've already done that, I would next repeat the audit volume
watch to see if the tape physically gets mounted into a drive.  If it
does, it is time for a restore volume to recover the contents of the
tape from your copypool copy. After the restore volume, you can either
try a label libvol .. overwrite=yes or just replace the tape cart.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/5/2006 8:45:56 AM >>>
I am able to check in the tape with

  checkin libvol 4560SLX 000035S checklabel=no status=private

  At that point, the tape is seen by noth 'q lib" and 'q vol'. I can
query contents but cannot audit the tape. Please see (and thanks).

  tsm: FATMAN>q libvol 4560SLX 000035S f=d

  Library Name        Volume  Name         Status

  ------------                 -----------                 ----------

  4560SLX                   000035S             Private

  tsm: FATMAN>q vol 000035S f=d

  Volume Name: 000035S
  Storage Pool Name: TAPEPOOL
  Device Class Name: SDLTC
  Estimated Capacity (MB): 327,680.0
  Scaled Capacity Applied:
  Pct Util: 11.6
  Volume Status: Filling
  Access: Read/Write
  Pct. Reclaimable Space: 54.9
  Scratch Volume?: Yes
  In Error State?: No
  Number of Writable Sides: 1
  Number of Times Mounted: 608
  Write Pass Number: 1
  Approx. Date Last Written: 01/18/06   11:13:29
  Approx. Date Last Read: 06/21/05   08:59:31
  Date Became Pending:
  Number of Write Errors: 0
  Number of Read Errors: 0
  Volume Location:
  Volume is MVS Lanfree Capable : No
  Last Update by (administrator): BUBBLES
  Last Update Date/Time: 04/05/06   13:57:25


  Node Name     Type      Filespace      FSID      Client's Name for
  ---------     ----      ----------     ----
  JASMINE        Bkup      /               1         / bin
  JASMINE        Bkup      /               1         / lib
  JASMINE        Bkup      /               1         /dev/ allkmem
  JASMINE        Bkup      /               1         /dev/ arp
  JASMINE        Bkup      /               1         /dev/ bd.off
  JASMINE        Bkup      /               1         /dev/ ce
  JASMINE        Bkup      /               1         /dev/ conslog
  JASMINE        Bkup      /               1         /dev/ console
  JASMINE        Bkup      /               1         /dev/ dump
  JASMINE        Bkup      /               1         /dev/ eri
  JASMINE        Bkup      /               1         /dev/ openprom
  JASMINE        Bkup      /               1         /dev/ pm
  more...   ( to continue, 'C' to cancel) c

  Output to screen cancelled.  Please wait for the 'tsm>' prompt.

  tsm: FATMAN>audit volume 000035S
  ANR2310W This command will compare all inventory references to
  with the actual data stored on the volume and will report any
  the data will be inaccessible to users until the operation

  Do you wish to proceed? (Yes (Y)/No (N)) y
  ANR2313I Audit Volume (Inspect Only) process started for volume
  ANS8003I Process number 17 started.

  ANR2017I     Administrator BUBBLES issued command: AUDIT  VOLUME
  ANR1199I     Removable volume 000035S is required for audit process.
  ANR0984I     Process 17 for AUDIT VOLUME (INSPECT ONLY) started in
                       BACKGROUND at 02:07:02 PM.  (PROCESS: 17)
  ANR2313I     Audit Volume (Inspect Only) process started for volume
                       000035S (process ID 17).  (PROCESS: 17)
  ANR8355E    I/O error reading label for volume 000035S in drive
                      (/dev/tsmscsi/mt1). (PROCESS: 17)
  ANR2017I     Administrator BUBBLES issued command: QUERY ACTLOG
  ANR8381E    DLT volume 000035S could not be mounted in drive SDLT_1
                      (/dev/tsmscsi/mt1). (PROCESS: 17)
  ANR1402W   Mount request denied for volume 000035S - volume
  ANR1410W   Access mode for volume 000035S now set to "unavailable".
  ANR2321W   Audit volume process terminated for volume 000035S -
                       storage media inaccessible.  (PROCESS: 17)
  ANR0985I     Process 17 for AUDIT VOLUME (INSPECT ONLY)  running in
                       BACKGROUND completed with  completion state

"Thorneycroft, Doug"
 wrote:  Date:
Tue, 4 Apr 2006 07:55:51 -0700
From: "Thorneycroft, Doug"

Subject: Re: Data tape in limbo

  Have you tried to manually remove the tape from the library, run an
audit library,
then try the check it back in.

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf
Douglas Currell
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 7:17 AM
Subject: Data tape in limbo

I  have, most certainly, mishandled some media and need some help to
put  things together, if that is possible. I have a tape that is a
stgpool  volume but is not a library volume:

  q vol 000035S f=d

   Volume Name: 000035S
  Storage Pool Name: TAPEPOOL
  Device Class Name: SDLTC
  Estimated Capacity (MB): 327,680.0
  Scaled Capacity Applied:
  Pct Util: 11.6
  Volume Status: Filling
  Access: Read/Write
  Pct. Reclaimable Space: 54.9
  Scratch Volume?: Yes
  In Error State?: No
  Number of Writable Sides: 1
  Number of Times Mounted: 608
  Write Pass Number: 1
  Approx. Date Last Written: 01/18/06   11:13:29
  Approx. Date Last Read: 06/21/05   08:59:31
  Date Became Pending:
  Number of Write Errors: 0
  Number of Read Errors: 0
  Volume Location:
  Volume is MVS Lanfree Capable : No
  Last Update by (administrator): BUBBLES
  Last Update Date/Time: 04/04/06   09:49:15

  'q libvol' output has no entries regarding the tape. An audit of the
library succeeeds. 000035S is physically in the library but can
be checked in or checked out by TSM.

  the volhistory says this about 000035S:

  cat volhist.out | grep 000035S
   2004/02/15 21:41:06  STGNEW       0 0 0 SDLTC 000035S
   2004/02/24 16:17:47  STGDELETE  0 0 0 SDLTC 000035S
   2004/03/02 20:33:37  STGNEW       0 0 0 SDLTC 000035S
   2004/03/08 16:13:24  STGDELETE  0 0 0 SDLTC 000035S
   2004/06/23 18:00:46  STGNEW       0 0 0 SDLTC 000035S

  Any ideas??

  thank you.....

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