On Thu, Apr 06, 2006 at 03:25:58PM +0200, Vlijmen, M. van wrote:

> Am I right in assuming that correct authentication only takes place between
> the server and the dsmcad process that initiated the first
> contact with the server? So, in this case the TSM server didn't recognize
> the dsmcad process?

What probably happened (no way to be sure without the logs): the first
dsmcad process you started began listening to the default port number,
probably 1581. The processes you started after that couldn't use that port,
since it was in use. Then you killed some dsmcad processes, including the
one that was listening on 1581. The dsmcad that you left running was
listening on an unknown (by the TSM server) port.

The TSM server then tried to contact the dsmcad process on its default
port, but on that port nothing was listening so communication failed.

Jurjen Oskam

Savage's Law of Expediency:
        You want it bad, you'll get it bad.

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