On Apr 6, 2006, at 2:31 PM, Lawrence Clark wrote:

Is the DB backup of any use after the next db backup is taken. The
on the volumes changes, and data is expired and tapes reclaimed...so
what is the value of older db backups?  ...

You're kidding...right?
We make and retain multiple backup versions - of all kinds - because
of the possiblities of both destruction and initially-undetected
corruption.  And Reusedelay keeps storage pool volumes intact for
contingency purposes after expiration and reclamation.

What would you do, for example, if damage or corruption in your TSM
db lay dormant for several days, and was suddenly exposed by fresh
activity in that area - and you had only the most recent db backup tape?

The issues of data integrity assurance over time is well described in
industry literature, and is certainly implicit in using a premier
product such as TSM.

    Richard Sims

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