You have to cancel the process or session that is using that tape before 
you can dismount it.  You can only dismount a tape whose status is IDLE. 
Since that tape is mounted read-only and it is waiting for a second tape 
to be mounted, a reclamation or move data process is probably running.

q proc
cancel proc <process#>

John Monahan
Consultant Infrastructure Solutions Group
Computech Resources, Inc.
Office: 952-833-0930 ext 109
Cell: 952-221-6938

Marcelo Barreto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
04/20/2006 03:10 PM
Please respond to
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>


cannot dismount tape

               I´m having a problem, almost everyday, when I execute q 
mount command, I receive something like that:
ANR8330I DLT volume DYI514 is mounted R/O in drive MT-SCSI-ID-3 
(/dev/rmt/3mt), status: IN USE.
ANR8379I Mount point in device class DC-SUNL1000 is waiting for the volume 
mount to complete, status: WAITING FOR VOLUME.
ANR8334I         2 matches found.



               DYI514 is tape number, and not always is the same; but when 
I execute  command "DISMOUNT VOLUME dyi514", I received "ANR8348E DISMOUNT 
VOLUME: Volume DYI514 is not "Idle"".
               It could spent many days in that state and I have to 
restart the server.
               What could be the problem?
               Thanks in advance.


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