This could cause a call-home.

From the front panel, or from the web gui of the library, you should be
able to have it do a library inventory.  It takes about 60 seconds per

On 06.04.20 at 15:11 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 15:11:21 -0400
From: David E Ehresman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
Subject: Re: 3584 library

I don't think I understand how inventory & audit works. When you do
Audit library 3584lib
checkl=barcode should I see the robotics move and read each and every
tape slot and resysnc with
TSM data base ? how do I get these back in sync

On a 3584, an "audit library 3584lib checkl=barcode" does NOT cause the
robotics to move and read the barcodes.  It causes TSM to compare its
inventory with the 3584 library's inventory which the library has stored
in memory.  So you first need to cause the 3484 to do an audit (openning
& closing the fron door will do this) and then run the tsm audit library


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