Hi, File space rename? Not if you configure the ITSM ba client for the cluster node(s) correctly!
Clustercontroler A will have all its drives stored under \\A\drive$ Clustercontroler B will have all its drives stored under \\A\drive$ The virtual server(s) will store all there data under \\clustername\drive$\mp . One of my clusters. Cluster controlers cln021 en cln022, clustername cluster02 and (one of its) virtual server names fs021 Virtual server FS021 \\cluster02\f$ 1 WinNT NTFS Yes 8,628.6 50.9 FS021 \\cluster02\f$\users1 2 WinNT NTFS Yes 258,938. 99.4 FS021 \\cluster02\f$\users2 3 WinNT NTFS Yes 258,938. 75.3 F:\adsm\DSM.OPT nodename nuwnlfs021 HTTPPORT 1582 CLUSTERNODE YES CLUSTERDISKSONLY NO Clustercontroler A CLN021 \\cln021\c$ 1 WinNT NTFS Yes 34,718.6 33.6 CLN021 SYSTEM 2 WinNT SYSTEM Yes 0.0 0.0 SERVICES CLN021 SYSTEM 3 WinNT SYSTEM Yes 0.0 0.0 STATE CLN021 ASR 4 WinNT NTFS Yes 0.0 0.0 C:\win32app\ibm\adsm\baclient\dsm.opt DOMain C: domain systemservices domain systemstate clusternode no CLUSTERDISKSONLY Yes Clustercontroler B CLN022 \\cln022\c$ 1 WinNT NTFS Yes 34,718.6 39.6 CLN022 SYSTEM 2 WinNT SYSTEM Yes 0.0 0.0 SERVICES CLN022 SYSTEM 3 WinNT SYSTEM Yes 0.0 0.0 STATE CLN022 ASR 4 WinNT NTFS Yes 0.0 0.0 C:\win32app\ibm\adsm\baclient\dsm.opt DOMain C: domain systemservices domain systemstate clusternode no CLUSTERDISKSONLY Yes Regards, Karel -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of TSM_User Sent: vrijdag 12 mei 2006 1:36 To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: Re: Clustered Mount points don't show up as clustered in TSM Karel, How do you deal with the fact that the mount point name changes when the cluster groups moves from one node to another? We were thinking about having two seperate dsm.opt files. Each would have the domain statments that list the mount point names based on the server name. Then we were going to have a *.bat file run as a preschedule command that would rename the mount point's file space name on the TSM server so that the data always got backed up to the same file space no matter what server the mount point was on. Did you do anything like this? Or, do you just let the mount points backup to two different filespaces. Remember the file space name has the complete path in it which includes the server name which will make it look like a different mount point based on what server it is mounted from. Kyle "Bos, Karel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi, Read about it after the my first Windows 2003 cluster server, with mounted disks, as ITSM back-up client. Normal clusters I had done that before, so I did the standard config: - Install BA client on the cluster controlers; - Setup the back-up of the clustercontrolers (clusternode=no and domain only local stuff); - Setup cluster node (clusternode=yes and only cluster stuff). And the last would not work as before. Mountpoint are on windows local so the back-up would create \\controlereA\mp and after the switch \\controleB\mp. After a while I though lets look in the change history of the newest ITSM client at that time and found the (for me) new option CLUSTERDISKSONLY and some example combinations of CLUSTERNODE YES/No CLUSTERDISKSONLY NO/Yes Now I use the CLUSTERNODE YES CLUSTERDISKSONLY NO And define every mp on the clusternode. Regards, Karel -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of TSM_User Sent: donderdag 11 mei 2006 0:42 To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: Re: Clustered Mount points don't show up as clustered in TSM It looks like this option is used to allow the local disks to show up as well when you have "CLUSTERNODE YES" in the dsm.opt file. This may get us to a point where we can move from backing up the mount points on one node in the cluster to backing them up under the node for the cluster group. However, our real problem still sits with how the mountpoints themselves show up to the OS. The mount point name has the local server in it (ex \\serverA\Data\Accouting\Payable). When the cluster group moves to SERVERB the mount point name changes to include that server name (\\serverB\Data\Accounting\Payable). From the users perspective the mount point itself is still Payable but becuase TSM includes the entire path in the filespace name for the mountpoint simply allowing them to be backed up isn't enough. As you can see I'd need to two seperate DOMAIN entries based on which node in the cluster the group was mounted on. Did you suggest this option becuase you read about it or are you using it? We may test it but if the data is going to still backup under a different file space name based on what side of the cluster the group is on we don't think that is any better than what we have now (backing it up through the physical server). K "Bos, Karel" wrote: Hi, In Windows 2003 and the newer ITSM clients there is one extra option. See the client doc for extra info. CLUSTERNODE YES CLUSTERDISKSONLY NO Regards, Karel -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of TSM_User Sent: woensdag 10 mei 2006 15:08 To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: Clustered Mount points don't show up as clustered in TSM I have a cluster that has two separate two node file clusters. These clusters have both clustered disk and clustered mount points. These started out as normal Microsoft Windows 2003 file clusters but then the added Veritas Volume Manager to the mix. With Veritas Volume Manager instead of each disk and mount point being a separate clustered resource when you look at them in cluster administrator there is a single clustered resource called "Volume Manager" or something like that. Then on the properties\parameters tab of that clustered resource you see all the disk and mount points. My problem is that when I have "ClusterNode Yes" in the dsm.opt file and launch the GUI using it, I see ever single clustered disk as I would expect but none of the mount points show up. Then when I set "ClusterNode No" I see the local disk and the mount points. The scheduled backup also reports an error "Not Clustered Disk" when it trys to backup the mount points when "ClusterNode Yes" is set in the options file it uses. This seems to be a simple problem where they just have to fix the mount points and set them up correctly. However, those mount points fail back and forth with the cluster and when they do everyone can access them as they should. So the customer feels that the mount points must be setup correctly. The mount points themselves are all created on disk that is clustered. Also, just like normal mount points when TSM gets to that folder in the file structure it does not back up the data through the disk drive because it expect the data to be backed up through the mount point. I'm wondering if there is any chance anyone else has run into this? If not then I was wondering if anyone else has mount points being backed up by TSM on a regular Windows 2003 cluster without Veritas Volume Manager. If I can at least confirm that in a non-Volume Manager solution the mount points do show up as "Clustered" then I can lean more on Veritas to explain why theirs show up differently. For now we are backing up the mount points through the single local node name that backs up the physical server and local disk. I am thinking about trying to create a options file on the clustered disk with "ClusterNode No" and then seeing if I can actually go through and create a client acceptor service and client acceptor cluster resource. I've only ever created these two things with options files that had "ClusterNode Yes" before. Thanks, Kyle --------------------------------- Get amazing travel prices for air and hotel in one click on Yahoo! FareChase Dit bericht is vertrouwelijk en kan geheime informatie bevatten enkel bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Indien dit bericht niet voor u is bestemd, verzoeken wij u dit onmiddellijk aan ons te melden en het bericht te vernietigen. Aangezien de integriteit van het bericht niet veilig gesteld is middels verzending via internet, kan Atos Origin niet aansprakelijk worden gehouden voor de inhoud daarvan. Hoewel wij ons inspannen een virusvrij netwerk te hanteren, geven wij geen enkele garantie dat dit bericht virusvrij is, noch aanvaarden wij enige aansprakelijkheid voor de mogelijke aanwezigheid van een virus in dit bericht. 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