Hot Diggety! Mario Behring was rumored to have written:
> I´ve started a backup operation at a Linux client using CENT OS
> (similar to RHat). The operation took 1 hour and 59 minutes to finish,
> and backed up 5.45GB of data.............I think this is kind of
> slow......considering that the LTO3 tape unit is supposed to be very
> fast....

Can you post the end of job statistics? For example, in my dsmsched.log,
I have:

05/18/06   22:32:33 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS BEGIN
05/18/06   22:32:33 Total number of objects inspected:  845,061
05/18/06   22:32:33 Total number of objects backed up:   26,665
05/18/06   22:32:33 Total number of objects updated:          0
05/18/06   22:32:33 Total number of objects rebound:          0
05/18/06   22:32:33 Total number of objects deleted:          0
05/18/06   22:32:33 Total number of objects expired:      1,260
05/18/06   22:32:33 Total number of objects failed:           0
05/18/06   22:32:33 Total number of bytes transferred: 3.11 GB
05/18/06   22:32:33 Data transfer time:                  464.32 sec
05/18/06   22:32:33 Network data transfer rate:        7,040.43 KB/sec
05/18/06   22:32:33 Aggregate data transfer rate:      2,600.08 KB/sec
05/18/06   22:32:33 Objects compressed by:                    0%
05/18/06   22:32:33 Elapsed processing time:           00:20:57
05/18/06   22:32:33 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS END

If you can post yours for that backup run, it would help give some

Also, do you use a disk pool on the TSM server? For example:

TSM client -> TSM server (diskpool) -> TSM server (tapes)

If you do not use a diskpool, you will not be able to feed data to the
LTO-3 tape drives fast enough. If that happens, it will do
start-and-stop which dramatically slows down performance.


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