thanks again ...

as for client comm port are you reffering at "tcpclientport" directive ?
if yes ... then in each *.opt file if have to specify "tcpclientport

right ?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Sims" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 1:07 PM
Subject: Re: problems starting dsmcad from inittab on HP-UX

On May 25, 2006, at 5:58 AM, goc wrote:

thanks Rich :-)
questions :

1. how to make sure that /usr is mounted by the time to execute ?
i'm 99%
sure it is :-)

On a Unix system, you can usually have a shell script do like:
   mount | grep /usr/local/bin
and test the return code.
(It's awkward to do anything in Bourne or Bash shell: use Perl whenever
Another technique to test for a mounted file system:  Inode number 2 is
always the root directory of a file system...its top level.  So, if you
do 'ls -id /usr/local/bin' and that reports inode number 2, then it's
mounted; else it's a much higher inode number, such that the thing is
an unoccupied mount point directory.

2. oh yeah ... full paths rox !
3. this is something new to me i must admit :-S >>>> "Assure that your
options files are resulting in each dsmcad having its own, unique port
number." ???

can you point me in right direction ?

Well, you intend to start multiple CAD processes, right?  They have to
listen on a communications socket, which means a port number.  They
use the same port number - each has to be unique.  Which is why you are
presumably using multiple options files.
Search on 'dsmcad' in the Unix client manual, and see IBM Technote

   Richard Sims

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