-----David Tyree wrote: -----

>           Are there any folks on the list that are using TSM in a
>           Sometimes we have to battle with some of our software
>venders to allow us to backup their system using TSM. Sometimes they
>will tell us that the system is FDA approved as is and must be backed
>up using a built-in tape drive and we can't touch the system. Some
>times that might be believable but not always. It seems that GE
>appears to be especially hard headed in this regard.
> We bought into TSM because you back up anything (well most
>anything) and not have to worry about having assorted different tape
>drives scattered everywhere.
>           I would like to compare notes with other TSM people if

We have usually been able to get vendors to agree to letting us use
TSM. In many cases, this entailed agreeing to a contract clause
stating that we accepted responsibility for the risk of not being
able to recover a system using TSM backups.

There have been a few cases where we were not able to persuade
vendors to give up their favorite backup metadology. In most of these
cases a hospital department ended up signing a contract despite
strong suggestions from the IS department to consider competing

There have been one or two cases where we ended up with a compromise,
such as daily TSM backups of an entire system and weekly backups
of the C drive to local tape.

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