Good day all.....

Do anyone have a script that will dump or analyze the tsm catalog (tsm
5.2.7 - aix 5.3).  My catalog is growing about 1% daily currently 45MB
and I have not changed any management classes.  My servers being backed
up are "mature" so they reached the point the generally when something
gets backed up, something should drop off.  I run incrementals nightly
as well as "pushes" of application databases to archive.

Of course there are always new files being added and I expect that, but
I am curious to see if there is something new going on or perhaps I
missed some excludes on new applications that shouldn't be backed up

I do keep monthly statistics on "by node" growth and nothing is terribly
out of wack. Any chance the catalog is not cleaning up after itself ?

Any help would be appreciated.


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