But now it shows it's state as being "UNKNOWN" and TSM is not using....
Is the path to this drive on-line? Q path Regards, Karel -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hans-Dieter Kutz Sent: donderdag 20 juli 2006 15:03 To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: Re: Drive state is "UNKNOWN" On Wed, Jul 19, 2006 at 12:05:15PM -0400, Dave Zarnoch wrote: > A couple of days ago, we had a bad tape in one of our drives. > > TSM reported the problem and took the drive "off-line" > > I removed the tape and brought the drive back "on-line" > > But now it shows it's state as being "UNKNOWN" and TSM is not using > it. > > Anyone have a solution? > > Below is the query result: > > tsm: PROVTSM>q dr C_LIBR MT8 f=d > > Library Name: C_LIBR > Drive Name: MT8 > Device Type: ECARTRIDGE > On-Line: Yes > Read Formats: T9840C-C,T9840C,9840-C,9840 > Write Formats: T9840C-C,T9840C > ACS DriveId: 0,0,1,7 > Drive State: UNKNOWN > Volume Name: > Allocated to: > WWN: 500104F0008A889E > Serial Number: 500000020177 > Last Update by (administrator): ADMIN > Last Update Date/Time: 07/17/06 06:55:48 > Cleaning Frequency (Gigabytes/ASNEEDED/NONE): Got the same on a TS3310 Library with LTO 3 Tapes. Before the first use of a drive we've got the same Messages. They left when the drive is accessed by TSM. Cheers, ku -- Darth Vader: Commander, tear this ship apart until you've found those plans. And bring me the passengers, I want them alive! _________________________________________________________________________ Dieses Mail/Fax ist ausschließlich für den genannten Empfänger bestimmt. Es enthält persönliche oder vertrauliche Informationen. Jede unerlaubte Verbreitung des Inhalts, auch teilweise, ist untersagt. Falls Sie dieses Mail/Fax versehentlich erhielten, informieren Sie bitte unverzüglich den Absender und löschen Sie dieses Mail/Fax endgültig von jedem Rechner, auch Ihrem Mail-/Faxserver. This mail/fax contains private or confidential information and is intended only for the person to which it is addressed. Any unauthorized dissemination, even partly, is prohibited. If you received this mail/fax in error, please contact the sender and delete this mail/fax finally from any computer, including your mail-/faxserver.
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