We are seeing increasingly frequent problems reading data from 3592
tapes. TSM sometimes spends as much as a couple of hours reading a
single file with a size of a few hundred megabyes. In some cases,
TSM reports a hardware or media error at the end of that time. In
other cases TSM eventually reads the file successfully. In the
latter case there are, as far as we can tell, no error indications
at all: no TSM messages, nothing logged by the OS, and no indicators
on the front panel of the tape drive. In some case the same tape
volume suffers this type of problem repeatedly. The problems seem
to spread roughly evenly over our whole population of 3592 drives.

We have just removed one 3592 volume from service because of
recurrent read problems, and are about to remove a second volume
from service. We only have about 120 3592 volumes, and losing two
of them within a week is disturbing, to put it mildly. The
possiblity that the volumes with non-recurring (so far) problems
will eventually need replacement is even more disturbing.

Our TSM server is at, running under mainframe Linux. The
3592 tapes drives are all the J1A model.
Does anyone have any suggestions for getting to the bottom of this?

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