Try running an audit license again and see if the data appears.  If I
remember correctly, the amount of data that is reported in the q audito
command, directly ties in with the audit license command.  Meaning, the
TSM server has to audit all its client information before it will report
to the q audito (Good reason to run audit license each day).


Sean English

Keith Arbogast <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
07/31/2006 01:43 PM

Please respond to
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>


[ADSM-L] audito data missing

A customer ran a backup from the command line of the files in one
directory on a Windows 2003 node on Friday.  When he runs  q backup
"C:\<path-to-dir>\*"   TSM returns a list of file descriptions and
sizes.  About 10 Gb in all, mostly .iso files. Today, when I run 'q
audito *' from the TSM server, the node is listed, but 'Backup
Storage Used' is 0 mb.

Is there something wrong here, or does the data in 'audito' get
refreshed on a cycle that hasn't expired yet?

We run TSM on AIX 5.2.  The Windows 2003 node is running TSM
client 5.3.3.

Thank you,
Keith Arbogast
Indiana University


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