Hi to all
I have an exchange server Windows2003 (not in cluster) with TDP version 5.2.1 I 
backup it at Sunday Tuesday Thursday full (at 23:00) and between 3 times a day 
incremental (at 9 , 15 , 20).
The 3 incrementals after the full are running correctly but the second day I 
got the following error:
          Sunday                             Monday                            
Tuesday ........
            Full (23:00)   OK         I (09:00)   OK                   I 
(09:00)  Error
                                                   I (15:00)    OK              
    I (15:00)   Error
                                                   I (20:00)   OK               
   I (20:00)    Error
>From the actlog:
ANE4993E (Session: 145219, Node: EXCHSRV01_DB)  TDP
 MSExchg ACN3502 Data Protection for Exchange: incr backup
 of First Storage Group from server EXCHSRV01 failed, rc =
 425.  (SESSION: 145219)
>From the excincr.log:
Beginning incr backup of First Storage Group, 1 of 2.
Backup of storage group First Storage Group failed.
ACN5798E MS Exchange API HRESEBACKUPSETUP() failed with HRESULT: 0xc8000230 - 
The database missed a previous full backup before the incremental backup. 
My backup copy group are:
Full backup       nolimit nolimit   8   8
Incr backup      nolimit nolimit  15  15
The Exchange administrator told me that is not running any defrag on the 
database .....
Any clue ?????
Robert  Ouzen

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