
Just found this technote :
http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21079391 which refers to
ANS1311E and ANR0522W  problems, and states this possible reason :

- Cache is enabled on the disk storage pool that the TSM Client backup
data is being sent to, and cached data cannot be deleted quickly enough
to allow the backup data to be written to the disk storage pool. In this
case, update the storage pool so that cache is not enabled. 

Couldn't this be hurting you ?



Panalpina Management Ltd., Basle, Switzerland, 
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-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Rainer Wolf
Sent: Wednesday, 30 August, 2006 09:31
Subject: client session stopps with 'no space available in storage...
and all successor pools'

Dear TSmers,

this happens on tsm server / solaris ,3494

and Clients: linux86 , linux86 , solaris ,
solaris , winnt

we have a strange problem with occasionly stopped client sessions with
the message 'no space available in storage pool BACKUPPOOL and all
successor pools' .
If this happens it happens withe clients running bigger transfers in
time and data - mostly on initial backups.
The data flow is set up as
random access disk pool -->  sequential file pool --> sequential tape

It may happen that the first 2 stages are going to be full but the
tapepool always has free and usable scratch volumes available.

The question is : is this a bug at the server or do I have to change
something in the setups of the pools ?
The space in the random-access pools are normally migrating down to
about 50 % -- is it better to bring this down to 0% Usage as a daily
task ?

I thought that sessions that don't have enough space in the
backup/filepools would directly write to tape if it is needed.
But if this stopping happens it seems to be just happening on that long
and large running sessions starting to write on backuppool and then
switching to filepool ... it seems to be that there is no second
switching on the tapepool possible ?

I just checked the client-versions of all nodes where this happens and
all of them have 5.2.X.X ... so is it just a client-problem with the old
5.2.X.X clients ?

Thanks a lot in advance for any hints !

tsm: TSM1>q actlog begint=-20 search=94090

Date/Time                Message
08/29/06   08:13:01      ANR0406I Session 94090 started for node
                           (Linux86) (Tcp/Ip 94090)
08/29/06   20:17:08      ANR8340I FILE volume
                           mounted.(SESSION: 94090)
08/29/06   20:17:08      ANR0511I Session 94090 opened output volume
08/29/06   20:17:24      ANR8341I End-of-volume reached for FILE volume
08/29/06   20:17:24      ANR0514I Session 94090 closed volume
08/29/06   20:17:24      ANR0522W Transaction failed for session 94090
for node
                           ULLI187.CHEMIE (Linux86) - no space available
in storage
                           pool BACKUPPOOL8 and all successor
pools.(SESSION: 94090)
08/29/06   20:17:53      ANR0403I Session 94090 ended for node
                           (Linux86).(SESSION: 94090)

tsm: TSM1>q actlog search=94086 begind=-2

Date/Time                Message
08/29/06   08:10:22      ANR0406I Session 94086 started for node
                           (Linux86) (Tcp/Ip 94086)
08/29/06   20:17:54      ANE4952I (Session: 94086, Node: ULLI187.CHEMIE)
                           number of objects inspected:
1,458,833(SESSION: 94086)
08/29/06   20:17:54      ANE4954I (Session: 94086, Node: ULLI187.CHEMIE)
                           number of objects backed up:
1,457,166(SESSION: 94086)
08/29/06   20:17:54      ANE4958I (Session: 94086, Node: ULLI187.CHEMIE)
                           number of objects updated:
0(SESSION: 94086)
08/29/06   20:17:54      ANE4960I (Session: 94086, Node: ULLI187.CHEMIE)
                           number of objects rebound:
0(SESSION: 94086)
08/29/06   20:17:54      ANE4957I (Session: 94086, Node: ULLI187.CHEMIE)
                           number of objects deleted:
0(SESSION: 94086)
08/29/06   20:17:54      ANE4970I (Session: 94086, Node: ULLI187.CHEMIE)
                           number of objects expired:
0(SESSION: 94086)
08/29/06   20:17:54      ANE4959I (Session: 94086, Node: ULLI187.CHEMIE)
                           number of objects failed:
1(SESSION: 94086)
08/29/06   20:17:54      ANE4961I (Session: 94086, Node: ULLI187.CHEMIE)
                           number of bytes transferred: 245.28
GB(SESSION: 94086)
08/29/06   20:17:54      ANE4963I (Session: 94086, Node: ULLI187.CHEMIE)
                           transfer time:                112,550.97
08/29/06   20:17:54      ANE4966I (Session: 94086, Node: ULLI187.CHEMIE)
                           data transfer rate:        2,285.17
08/29/06   20:17:54      ANE4967I (Session: 94086, Node: ULLI187.CHEMIE)
                           data transfer rate:      5,913.70
KB/sec(SESSION: 94086)
08/29/06   20:17:54      ANE4968I (Session: 94086, Node: ULLI187.CHEMIE)
                           compressed by:                    0%(SESSION:
08/29/06   20:17:54      ANE4964I (Session: 94086, Node: ULLI187.CHEMIE)
                           processing time:            12:04:52(SESSION:
08/29/06   20:48:39      ANR0482W Session 94086 for node ULLI187.CHEMIE
                           terminated - idle for more than 30

The storage pools look like:

Storage         Device          Estimated       Pct       Pct     High
Low     Next Stora-
Pool Name       Class Name       Capacity      Util      Migr      Mig
Mig     ge Pool
-----------     ----------     ----------     -----     -----     ----
---     -----------
BACKUPPOOL8     DISK                160 G      63.9      56.2       90
50     FILEPOOL8
FILEPOOL8       FILE8               405 G      76.2      77.5       90
70     TAPE_O262
TAPE_O262       3592             22,288 G      24.6      60.0      100

tsm: TSM1>q stg BACKUPPOOL8 f=d

                Storage Pool Name: BACKUPPOOL8
                Storage Pool Type: Primary
                Device Class Name: DISK
               Estimated Capacity: 160 G
               Space Trigger Util: 63.9
                         Pct Util: 63.9
                         Pct Migr: 56.2
                      Pct Logical: 99.4
                     High Mig Pct: 90
                      Low Mig Pct: 50
                  Migration Delay: 0
               Migration Continue: Yes
              Migration Processes: 1
            Reclamation Processes:
                Next Storage Pool: FILEPOOL8
             Reclaim Storage Pool:
           Maximum Size Threshold: No Limit
                           Access: Read/Write
                Overflow Location:
            Cache Migrated Files?: No
            Reclamation Threshold:
        Offsite Reclamation Limit:
  Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed:
   Number of Scratch Volumes Used:
    Delay Period for Volume Reuse:
           Migration in Progress?: No
             Amount Migrated (MB): 176,075.38 Elapsed Migration Time
(seconds): 16,556
         Reclamation in Progress?:
   Last Update by (administrator): xx
            Last Update Date/Time: 08/29/06   17:00:14
         Storage Pool Data Format: Native
             Copy Storage Pool(s):
          Continue Copy on Error?:
                         CRC Data: No
                 Reclamation Type:

tsm: TSM1>

tsm: TSM1>q stg filePOOL8 f=d

                Storage Pool Name: FILEPOOL8
                Storage Pool Type: Primary
                Device Class Name: FILE8
               Estimated Capacity: 405 G
               Space Trigger Util: 98.4
                         Pct Util: 76.2
                         Pct Migr: 77.5
                      Pct Logical: 99.9
                     High Mig Pct: 90
                      Low Mig Pct: 70
                  Migration Delay: 0
               Migration Continue: Yes
              Migration Processes: 1
            Reclamation Processes: 1
                Next Storage Pool: TAPE_O262
             Reclaim Storage Pool:
           Maximum Size Threshold: No Limit
                           Access: Read/Write
                Overflow Location:
            Cache Migrated Files?:
                       Collocate?: Group
            Reclamation Threshold: 100
        Offsite Reclamation Limit:
  Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed: 200
   Number of Scratch Volumes Used: 155
    Delay Period for Volume Reuse: 1 Day(s)
           Migration in Progress?: No
             Amount Migrated (MB): 91,059.84 Elapsed Migration Time
(seconds): 2,587
         Reclamation in Progress?: No
   Last Update by (administrator): xx
            Last Update Date/Time: 08/30/06   08:08:01
         Storage Pool Data Format: Native
             Copy Storage Pool(s):
          Continue Copy on Error?:
                         CRC Data: No
                 Reclamation Type: Threshold

tsm: TSM1>q stg TAPE_O262 f=d

                Storage Pool Name: TAPE_O262
                Storage Pool Type: Primary
                Device Class Name: 3592
               Estimated Capacity: 22,288 G
               Space Trigger Util:
                         Pct Util: 24.6
                         Pct Migr: 60.0
                      Pct Logical: 97.1
                     High Mig Pct: 100
                      Low Mig Pct: 70
                  Migration Delay: 0
               Migration Continue: Yes
              Migration Processes: 1
            Reclamation Processes: 1
                Next Storage Pool:
             Reclaim Storage Pool:
           Maximum Size Threshold: No Limit
                           Access: Read/Write
                Overflow Location:
            Cache Migrated Files?:
                       Collocate?: Group
            Reclamation Threshold: 100
        Offsite Reclamation Limit:
  Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed: 50
   Number of Scratch Volumes Used: 32
    Delay Period for Volume Reuse: 8 Day(s)
           Migration in Progress?: No
             Amount Migrated (MB): 0.00
Elapsed Migration Time (seconds): 0
         Reclamation in Progress?: No
   Last Update by (administrator): xx
            Last Update Date/Time: 08/29/06   16:33:34
         Storage Pool Data Format: Native
             Copy Storage Pool(s):
          Continue Copy on Error?:
                         CRC Data: No
                 Reclamation Type: Threshold

Rainer Wolf                          eMail:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
kiz - Abt. Infrastruktur           Tel/Fax:      ++49 731 50-22482/22471
Universitaet Ulm                     wwweb:        http://kiz.uni-ulm.de

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