I agree with Troy that updating the Service Pack level, along with the major 
sub-fixes mentioned, could help. I'm running 5.3.4 on a couple of NetWare boxes 
and it has been fine so far.

Andrew Ferris
Network Support Analyst
iCAPTURE Research Centre
University of British Columbia

>>> Troy Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 8/31/2006 9:16 AM >>>
Would probably be worthwhile to try updating netware to sp5 , with
post-sp5 patches ( nw65os5a,  n65nss5a).  There's also a newer netware
tsm client out already, v5.3.4

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 8/31/2006 10:10 AM >>>
Hello all,

We have experienced another Netware abend this again occurred at the
end of the restore. This is after we have upgraded the TSA's and the
Tivoli client to 5.3.2. Does anyone know when the next Tivoli client
are due out and if this type problem is corrected.

Thanks for any response!

Novell Netware, V6.5 Support Pack 3 -
PVER: 6.50.03

Server DOGUSR1 halted Thursday, July 13, 2006  12:09:57.355 pm
Abend 1 on P00: Server-5.70.03: Page Fault Processor Exception (Error
code 00000000)

    CS = 0060 DS = 007B ES = 007B FS = 007B GS = 007B SS = 0068
    EAX = 9677BA00 EBX = 98177610 ECX = 9677BA00 EDX = 9698EE1C
    ESI = 9677BAB8 EDI = 9AFB8F84 EBP = 981775D0 ESP = 981775BC
    EIP = 95C01A7D FLAGS = 00010246
    95C01A7D 8A5204         MOV     DL, [EDX+04]=?
    EIP in DSMC.NLM at code start +00138A7Dh
    Access Location: 0x9698EE20

The violation occurred while processing the following instruction:
95C01A7D 8A5204         MOV     DL, [EDX+04]
95C01A80 885601         MOV     [ESI+01], DL
95C01A83 C7460A01000000 MOV     [ESI+0A], 00000001
95C01A8A 8B5710         MOV     EDX, [EDI+10]
95C01A8D 89560E         MOV     [ESI+0E], EDX
95C01A90 8B45F0         MOV     EAX, [EBP-10]
95C01A93 8B5024         MOV     EDX, [EAX+24]
95C01A96 895612         MOV     [ESI+12], EDX
95C01A99 803DB7F2539500 CMP     [9553F2B7]=00, 00
95C01AA0 7407           JZ      95C01AA9

Running process: DSMC.NLM        3 Process
Thread Owned by NLM: DSMC.NLM
Stack pointer: 98177584
OS Stack limit: 981676E0
Scheduling priority: 67371008
Wait state: 3030070  Yielded CPU
Stack: 95B79135  ?

Novell 6.5 SP3
TSM client 5.3.2
TSM 5.3.3
AIX 5.3

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