Hello Everyone,

I finally came up with a mixture of everyone's suggestions so that I now
have good output:

select node_name as "NODE_NAME            ",filespace_name as
"FILESPACE_NAME                 ",substr(char(backup_start),1,16) as
backup_start,substr(char(backup_end),1,16) as backup_end from filespaces
where node_name like 'NAS%' or node_name like 'SERVER%'

Which gave me:

NODE_NAME                 FILESPACE_NAME                      BACKUP_START
---------------------     -------------------------------
------------------     ------------------
NAS_SERVER_2              /                                   2006-10-04
19:00       2006-10-04 19:01
NAS_SERVER_2              /.etc_common                        2006-10-04
19:00       2006-10-04 21:19
NAS_SERVER_2              /apache                             2006-10-04
19:00       2006-10-04 21:08
NAS_SERVER_2              /clearcase_prod                     2006-10-04
19:00       2006-10-04 20:16
NAS_SERVER_2              /clearcase_test                     2006-10-04
19:00       2006-10-04 20:03
NAS_SERVER_2              /edi_test                           2006-10-04
19:00       2006-10-04 20:24
NAS_SERVER_2              /home2                              2006-10-04
19:00       2006-10-04 20:28
NAS_SERVER_2              /home2/home2dir1                    2006-10-04
19:00       2006-10-04 21:02
NAS_SERVER_2              /home2/home2dir2                    2006-10-04
19:00       2006-10-04 21:00
NAS_SERVER_2              /home2/home2dir3                    2006-10-04
19:00       2006-10-04 21:17
NAS_SERVER_2              /home2/home2dir4                    2006-10-04
19:00       2006-10-04 21:17
NAS_SERVER_2              /nas_mp2                            2006-10-04
19:00       2006-10-04 20:23

My next challenge is to figure out how to find any filespaces where the
backup_start date/time is > the backup_end date/time.  It is hard for me
to find failed NDMP backups and this is one of the ways in which I can see
which filespaces failed/missed.  I have tried the following statement:

select node_name as "NODE_NAME            ",filespace_name as
"FILESPACE_NAME                 ",substr(char(backup_start),1,16) as
backup_start,substr(char(backup_end),1,16) as backup_end from filespaces
where node_name like 'NAS%' or node_name like 'SERVER%' and
date(BACKUP_START)>=date(BACKUP_END) and

But this gives me incorrect output.  Does anyone know what I am doing
wrong?  I've even just tried the "and backup_start > backup_end and I
still get incorrect data.  Any ideas?

Thanks again!

Joni Moyer
Storage Systems, Senior Systems Programmer
Phone Number: (717)302-9966
Fax: (717) 302-9826

"Andrew Carlson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
10/05/2006 10:45 AM
Please respond to
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>


Re: Select Statement Syntax

I went through this same problem.  Never got a satisfactory answer,
totally.  It behaves differently depending on if you do it from a
or disconnected, like from cron.  Also it depends on the setting of
sqldisplaymode.  Try the command `set sqldisplaymode wide` and see if that
makes it look like you want.

On 10/5/06, Joni Moyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I have been trying to figure out how to have the syntax of the below
> output so that it will all go on 1 line, but so far I have been very
> unsuccessful.
> Here is the statement I am issuing:
> select node_name,filespace_name,backup_start,backup_end from filespaces
> where node_name like 'NAS%' or node_name like 'SERVER%'
> And here is the output:
> NODE_NAME              FILESPACE_NAME               BACKUP_START
> ------------------     ------------------     ------------------
> ------------------
> NAS_SERVER_2_OFFS-     /                              2006-10-04
> 2006-10-04
> ITE                                             21:20:32.000000
> 21:23:03.000000
> NAS_SERVER_2_OFFS-     /.etc_common                   2006-10-04
> 2006-10-05
> ITE                                             21:20:32.000000
> 02:34:44.000000
> NAS_SERVER_2_OFFS-     /apache                        2006-10-04
> 2006-10-05
> ITE                                             21:20:32.000000
> 02:21:08.000000
> NAS_SERVER_2_OFFS-     /clearcase_prod                2006-10-04
> 2006-10-04
> ITE                                             21:20:32.000000
> 22:36:12.000000
> As you can see the node_name column wraps.  I tried to do a left justify
> and I also tried to make it 20 characters wide, but I guess I am doing
> something wrong because I continue to get the same output.
> I was also wondering if there is a way to change the backup_start to go
> 1 line as well and to make it include the date and the time to be just
> hh:mm:ss?
> Thank you in advance for any pointers you might have!
> ********************************
> Joni Moyer
> Highmark
> Storage Systems, Senior Systems Programmer
> Phone Number: (717)302-9966
> Fax: (717) 302-9826
> ********************************

Andy Carlson
Gamecube:$150,PSO:$50,Broadband Adapter: $35, Hunters License:
The feeling of seeing the red box with the item you want in it:Priceless.

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