>> On Wed, 11 Oct 2006 08:45:29 -0400, David E Ehresman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>> said:

> You keep your TSM Activity Log for years????

If you do a q actlog of 'yesterday's stuff daily, then you can keep
them for as long as you please.

In another thread we've been talking highest session numbers:  Mine

11/16/02 13:14:25 ANR0406I Session 8559327 started for node

and because I'm a packrat, my earliest log line is from February of
2000.  That server is no longer funkt.


This is actually really useful sometimes.  I enjoy being able to prove
that a given tape was last used _when_, and it's very good for
replying to "When and why did my node go away?"  when you told them at
the time (2 years ago) and they blew it off.

I've also used it for historical analysis when troubleshooting a box.
It can be very... "calming" for a contentious discussion, especially
when someone has just, for the first time in N years of use, looked at
their backup output and found that THERE WERE FILES THAT FAILED OH

It's also good for "Oh crap I've just detected an unpleasant
condition, when did it start happening".

- Allen S. Rout

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