The good news is I'm the client as well :-)

I have a bunch of boxes that troll through a NetApp farm, so with
everything under my control politics doesn't come into it. I'll take
the opportunity to fix some philosophical errors in the initial setup
so I can get "wider" without the pain I'm about to go through..

Thanks for all your help (and the URL looks interesting).


On Oct 22, 2006, at 8:41 AM, Allen S. Rout wrote:

If you're thinking of deploying multiple servers on the same hardware,
it's going to require the client admins changing a port.  If you can
set them up on different boxen you can just train them to use a
different name and the -same- port (though I recommend different ports
Just In Case you later want them on the same hardware).  That's all
the client-side config change you need.  Then it's just politics.

Least effort is you just pick a nightly batch of boxen to point at the
new server, they do a new initial incr, and you blow away the
old-server node N days downrange.  Since you say your clients are
pretty unloaded, this might be the most effective way to get the job

Of course, it can get more complex than that. :) The scariest one is
backing up the database, restoring it to a second server, intended to
be simultaneously live, and deleting all the 'B' nodes from server A,
and all the 'A' nodes from server B, and playing games with the tape

I once took a stab at cataloging all the scenarios for moving data
from one server to another which folks have talked about.

I periodically rattle cages in case someone does something I didn't
think of.

- Allen S. Rout

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