
I just wanted to share a small script I hacked to give me some live
estimates during database backup. I run it as a subprocess while the
database backup is running in foreground in my daily scripts.

Feel free to optimize it... :)

-bash-2.05b# cat tsm_vault
( while [[ `${LOGIN} q pro|grep Data|wc -l` -eq 1 ]]; do
/home/tsm/bin/dbbstatus.sh; sleep 60; done )

  ${LOGIN} backup db devclass=${DEVCLASS} type=full volume=${DBVOLUME}
wait=yes | grep AN

-bash-2.05b# cat dbbstatus.sh

# get total and done pages and calculate percentage done
t=`q pro|grep "Database Backup"|awk '{print $9}'`
d=`q pro|grep "Database Backup"|awk '{print $6}'`
pct=`echo 100*($d/$t)|bc -l` 

# get startup time and convert to secs
sta=`q q actlog begint=-5 msgno=0984 s=DATABASE|tail -1|awk '{print
hs=$(expr "$sta" : "\(..\):..:..")
ms=$(expr "$sta" : "..:\(..\):..")
ss=$(expr "$sta" : "..:..:\(..\)")
stsecs=$(echo "$hs*3600+$ms*60+$ss" | bc)

# get current time and convert to secs
now=`date +%T`
hn=$(expr "$now" : "\(..\):..:..")
mn=$(expr "$now" : "..:\(..\):..")
sn=$(expr "$now" : "..:..:\(..\)")

# calculate elapsed seconds and convert to hh:mm:ss
elasecs=$(echo "$hn*3600+$mn*60+$sn-($hs*3600+$ms*60+$ss)" | bc)
 # if elapsed time under zero, add a day
 if [ "$elasecs" -lt 0 ] ; then
hl=$(expr $elasecs / 3600)
ml=$(expr \( $elasecs - $hl \* 3600 \) / 60)
sl=$(expr $elasecs - $hl \* 3600 - $ml \* 60)

# estimate total time to completion and convert to hh:mm:ss
estsecs=$(echo "$elasecs*100/$pct" | bc)
he=$(expr $estsecs / 3600)
me=$(expr \( $estsecs - $he \* 3600 \) / 60)
se=$(expr $estsecs - $he \* 3600 - $me \* 60)

# estimate eta and convert to hh:mm:ss
etasecs=$(echo "$stsecs + $estsecs" | bc)
ha=$(expr $etasecs / 3600)
ma=$(expr \( $etasecs - $ha \* 3600 \) / 60)
sa=$(expr $etasecs - $ha \* 3600 - $ma \* 60)

# output results
echo "dbb started: $sta, now: $now, elapsed: $ela, estimated: $est, eta:
$eta, done: $pct"


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