The Windows 2003 LAN-free client has been configured and working properly
for some time now. It uses Gresham/ACSLS to share an STK library and drives
with our TSM servers. TSM client, storage agent and server versions are all

So the client's HBA that connects to the tape drives went kablooey
yesterday and had to be replaced. After the storage folks rezoned the new
HBA's WWN to the drives in the SAN, Windows discovered them as it should.
So far, so good.

Naturally, the drives all came back with different names than they used to
have. No big deal, I have spreadsheets telling me which ACSLS drives have
which WWN's, so looking in the Management Console gives me the information
I need to update the elm.cnf file so Gresham can tell TSM which drive ACSLS
is mounting its tape in.

But the Device Names are all different from the TSM Names in the Management
Console. The TSM names look like "mt.", and the Device Names look
like "\\.\Tape0". Oh yeah, that means that the drives are all using the
default STK drivers - I need to go into Device Manager and update the
drivers that the tape drives use to the TSMSCSI driver.

And here's where I run into problems. When I try to apply that driver
(which appears to be loaded on the system, and used to work fine before the
HBA replacement) to a drive, the icon for that drive gets the error marker
on it, and the Device Status window in the Properties for the drive shows
"This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the
drivers required for this device. (Code 31)".

When I run tsmdlst, it tells me that my TSMSCSI driver is running:


Tivoli Storage Manager -- Device List Utility

Licensed Materials - Property of IBM

5697-TSM (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2000, 2005. All rights reserved.
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure
restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.

Computer Name:      WIN2003LANFREECLIENT
OS Version:         5.2
OS Build #:         3790
TSM Device Driver:  TSMScsi - Running
...... (boring HBA and drive information, which all looks kosher)

Have I neglected to do something critical that will allow the TSM tape
driver to work on these drives? Do I need to get the TSMSCSI driver
reloaded on that system? Is this something that (this being Windows) a
simple reboot will fix? I would prefer not to hear "maybe" or even
"probably", because a reboot for this server is a non-trivial event,
business-wise, so if that's what I ask for, it had better work.

Thanks in advance for any responses!

Robben Leaf

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