Good Morning.
We are running TSM 5.2.2 server on AIX 5.2 and the clients are all
running TSM 5.2.2 on Windows 2000/2003, AIX 5.1, 5.2 and Solaris 7, 8, 9
and 10.   A COPAN unit was purchased for us which is basically hard
drives that simulate tapes so we could get faster restores, etc..  What
we would like to do is setup the COPAN as one of the pools and only keep
the most recent version of the files(for fast restores), we also have
our regular tape library that we keep up to 90 versions(90 days) of the
file along with a COPYPOOL for our off-site storage.   I have not seen a
way to keep only the most recent version of a file on the COPAN unit and
have everything else deleted/expired.


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