Windows and I think many other OS's base their time off of GMT with an
off-set, so as long as the systems in affected areas have the correct
off-set other systems will not be affected.
An example would be I save a file at 08:00 GMT, my system then adds
-06:00 for my time zone.  Then someone east of me reads the file date,
their system will see a time of 08:00 GMT and their local computer will
add -05:00 for the local time zone offset.

Andy Huebner

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Steven Harris
Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2007 7:27 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Off-topic post related to DST changes.

Daylight saving in Australia is a dog's breakfast (ie a disgusting mess)

It is controlled by the various states, and so each lot of regional
politicians has its own barrow to push.

The easternmost states are all  stacked north/south,  Tasmania starts a
month early but finishes with the rest, NSW and Victoria go first Sunday
in October to last Sunday in March and Queensland doesn't do DST at all.
South Australia and Northern Territory are also stacked north/south in
the middle of the country normally 30 minutes behind  NSW, SA does DST,
on the same timetable as NSW, but NT doesn't.
Western Australia takes up the whole of the  western third of the
continent, and despite there having been three referendums, all  soundly
defeated, some local idiot recently pushed through legislation that
started daylight saving this year on 3 December, with about 6 week's
notice of the change.

So at the moment it is 12:23 in Tas, NSW  and Vic, 11:53 in SA, 11:23 in
Qld, 10:53 in NT and 10:23 in WA.  Are we all clear on that?

Fortunately I live in Queensland and am therefore above it all :)

Its not as bad as Arizona though...  I saw this on a site a couple of
weeks back, but haven't been able to find it again to cite it.

US has DST, Arizona does not have DST, Navaho Nation (entirely within
Arizona) does use DST, Hopi nation (entirely within Navaho area) does


Chronically confused in Brisbane

Ben Bullock wrote:
>       re: Daylight Savings Times.
> This is off topic, but I know there are folks on this list in
> that might have been through this already.
>       The US Govt is changing the times that we will change to
> Daylight Savings Times from April to March. Most all OS's will require
> patch, an update or a change to compensate for this change. We have
> working on all our US sites to get this accomplished before March 11th
> 2007, but we are wondering about our other world-wide sites.
>       They (Italy, Singapore, Japan, etc) are not changing DST for
> their countries, but when we change ours, and our computers transfer
> data between each other, might there be some confusion over the time
> stamps of the data if the foreign-site hosts have a different
> understanding of when DST for our zone (MST) is?
>       Any help, opinions or links would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Ben

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