Correction.  I am placing the virtualnodename option in the dsm.opt file
for AIX.

According to the AIX Client 5.3 manual this is supported, but if you look
at the read me file for 5.3 client this option is not supported.

When I try and run dsmj I get the following messages when I run the
command from server-1:

dsmj -virtualn=server2 or dsmj -virtualnodename=server2

/usr/bin/dsmj[51]: cd: 0403-010 A specified flag is not valid for this

The java gui comes up, but it is for server1.

/usr/bin/dsmj[67]: cd: 0403-036 The specified directory is not valid.

edit the dsm.opt file and run dsmj

The java gui comes up, but it is for server1.

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