3592 Dual Path Drives on a Windows Box? I say this  because the way
Windows uses devices especially if the 3592's are dual pathed...  Windows
isn't the most robust / reliable OS so I'm not  seeing why you'd even
enable  Dual Path.  Last place I was at we had 20 3592's Single pathed
(Dual Path in case of failover) that only had one issue where the internal
fan slowed down, but fixed it self.

 Is there a reason for Dual Path? Your server OS is the weakest point, and
I doubt a Windows server handle 80/120MB x 9  (720 to 1080MBS).  That must
be one heck of a huge Intel/AMD Box...

I know I didn't offer a fix other than ditching dual path... for the sake
Windows probably wont do it well.

Mark Stapleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
02/15/2007 03:09 PM
Please respond to
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>


[ADSM-L] Continued hijinx with a Windows TSM server and a 3494 library

Wanda P. was a *huge* help with the last round of difficulties I had, but
now I've run across a few more.

I've got 9 dual-connected fiber-attached 3592 tape drives going into this
library. Sometimes the tape drives behave as advertised, but sometimes the
same drive(s) will give me

ANR8311E An I/O error occurred while accessing drive DRIVE04 (mt3.0.0.4)
for SETMODE operation, errno = 170.  (SESSION: 4, PROCESS: 3)

followed by

ANR9999D mmsflag.c(8330): ThreadId<32> Could not determine the media type
of media O00237 in drive DRIVE04 (mt3.0.0.4). (SESSION: 4, PROCESS: 3)

But then the next thing I do with the drive works. It's almost as if TSM
uses both fiber paths during an operation, causing confusion about whom is
doing which.

I'm about to call Tivoli support, but I thought I'd throw this out to the
list before I do. Anyone seen anything like this?

Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Senior consultant

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