On Feb 22, 2007, at 7:53 AM, Carpenter, Curtis wrote:
Richard, when I do a q node "server" f=d for one of the servers generating the ANR4744W I see that MAXNUMMP value is: Maximum Mount Points Allowed: 2 Auto Filespace Rename : No Validate Protocol: No TCP/IP Name: WDBSSDBEVE02 It is already set to 2. Does it need to be higher than that?
It may well need to be more than 2. See topic "How Simultaneous Write Works" for the full scoop on processing needs. The 4744 certainly suggests the need for more than 2, where you could try that and see what happens. But also pursue the "User response" section of the ANR4734W message explanation to possibly uncover other issues. Consider also the effects of COPYCONTINUE and MOUNTLIMIT values.
so if I were to run a upd stgpool GEN_TAPE copystg=nothing, would that remove GEN_OFFSITE as our current copy pool for GEN_TAPE?
You would code a null string (""), as shows in the Admin Ref manual, to nullify the copy storage pool assignment. But I should think that you'd want to use the function, as long as the simultaneous resources required area realistic during that time period, so try to keep the spec if possible. Richard Sims