Hot Diggety! David McClelland was rumored to have written:
> Do you mean client or server here? TSM *client* on x86 Solaris has been
> available since 5.3:

Ah, right; duly corrected, thanks!

> Given that TSM 5.2 Server goes out of support next month, you'll only
> really want to be connecting it to a 5.3 or 5.4 server anyway for which
> I wouldn't see there being any problems.

I eventually managed to stay connected with the FTP server long enough
to fetch the 5.3 and 5.4 clients and found out they do appear to work
with the older TSM server (

Needs are very basic; nothing fancy so I'm not too concerned for
deploying this on a small subset of our kits on an as-needed basis.

Buys me some more time while I continue to see if we can either get an
upgraded TSM server or if we can continue to run TSM instead of the
preferred organisational standard of EMC [Legato] Networker.

> I don't disagree about the Apple II performance of the
> site, although I prefer to liken it to my Acorn
> BBC Micro Model B (I don't think they ever made it over to the US)
> reading at 1200 baud from cassette tape :o)


Heard much about the Acorn BBC kits over the years. :)



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