

(dsm)sched.log and dsm(error).log at the client can give some extra
info. Workaround could be to set the schedmode to polling.



-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Gill, Geoffrey L.
Sent: dinsdag 20 maart 2007 16:58
Subject: missed backup

What we have are 2 windows clients, one on and another on Both of these clients consistently show missed, yet you can
restart the scheduler service and it will communicate and pick up the
schedule. The log on the client shows no attempt to start and the TSM
server only has the standard messages when the attempt to contact a
client fails. Gui and command line access from the client work just


I've asked those folks to verify certain things but have not heard back
so I thought while waiting for a response I'd throw this out there.
Besides the standard NIC/switch mismatch, which I have seen cause this,
is there something DNS wise that might cause this and does anyone have
any suggestions for other things to check? 



Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
PeopleSoft Sr. Systems Administrator


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