In reference to your SSA question,

We use over 70-8GB drives and can't add anymore and can't add an FC card 
to the server since there aren't any free slots.  Yes, it is time to 
replace the server and storage platform (I dump over 1.5TB to this 700GB 
LZ every night..........

Besides, the cabinet of SSA disks is used as a space/hand warmer, since it 
puts off so much heat.   The reduction in environmentals will be worth it. 
Besides, they aren't supported/maintained so when they go bad, we have to 
find used drives on the open market.

Markus Engelhard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
03/21/2007 04:54 AM
Please respond to
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>


Re: [ADSM-L] Moving Library Owner/Manager

Hi Zoltan,

as I understand, you will be changing OS for all your TSM-instances from
AIX to Linux. There is no supported way to just simply make TSM data
written by AIX readable by another OS apart from painstakingly
exporting/importing the node data and database references.
My best guess would thus be to set up a seperate TSM-Library Manager as
suggested by William Boyer (works like a charm, very flexible and smart to
run, fast restore if it fails and can allways be rebuilt from scratch in
very short time) on a Linux, keeping the library clients on AIX in the
first step. Just take care there is no data interaction before you have
audited the libraries from the library client side. After that define the
Linux library clients and then move your nodes. I personally prefer just
exporting node definitions (including policies) plus archives, backing up
the data again on the new servers and letting the old data expire on the
AIX to delete after your retention period. Don´t forget the data will not
expire altogether and has to be deleted by batch or manually.
If you are at it, consider setting up one TSM-Instance dedicated for your
archives (I seperate nodes for backups and archives even if on one client
system) making future migrations easy and fast.

;-) Is SSA really that slow? At the moment I would really prefer them to
cr...p SATA...


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