On Mar 29, 2007, at 5:41 AM, Ibán Bernaldo de Quirós Márquez wrote:

We are running 4 dscm sel -filelist in parallel to reduce processing time and increase backup time in a node.

The problem is that 3 process are running at a very good speed but the last one is running very slow, we have check network performance and seems to be good. Also we have follow the performance tuning guide to set network parameters on client and server...

Well, we can't offer any evaluation without details...such as whether there is a disk storage pool receiving the data or number of tape drives available to the client (MAXNUMMP). It is likely that your four simultaneous sessions are excessive relative to the server resources that can be given to that client: check your Activity Log, or perform Query SESSion as they are running, or process the TSM accounting records to report where wait times are. If the backups are going directly to tape, then you have to wait for drives to be available and tapes to mount - and you may be overly consuming scratch tapes where TSM will see that the latest Filling tape for that client/filespace is in use, and will use scratches for additional sessions.

  Richard Sims

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