I didn't see a reply for you on this.

I'm sure there is an HSM API, and I don't think it's documented outside of
IBM.  Evidence of that is in the HSM for Windows which doesn't use the
Space Management API at all.

The type of information you are looking for is very much server-internal.
There's not a client-side way to query for the exact location of your
file. I believe the metadata you're looking to acquire would require the
use of the admin API.

Further, acquiring the data isn't just a simple query.  It's a very
complex set of dependencies.  One example pass-through might bw:

You would need to obtain the object ID of the item to be
recalled, and then find out where all copies of that object existed.
Then, you would need to determine the device type.  Then, you would need
to determine whether there was a reservation queued up for that device

If the class were available for access (file, tape), or if it were
not under heavy load (more than 1-3 I/O operations per disk), then you
could use some table of your own creation to guess at the access latency
for the device type of the device class.

This still wouldn't take into account the underlying structure of the
data.  For example, if it's a VTS, or if the disk volumes are on shared
arrays, or even shared LUNs, then  your access times wouldn't match.  You
could monitor the internals from your own code to get a feeling for the
latencies of the individual system, but that's getting into speculative

On Mon, 12 Mar 2007, Kelly Lipp wrote:

Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 14:02:18 -0600
From: Kelly Lipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
Subject: HSM for Windows Programming Question


I have a potential customer interested in using HSM for Windows.  They
have an application that manages the file data and want to manage
retrieves from the HSM.  Specifically, they want to be able to determine
where in the TSM storage pool hierarchy the file exists so they can
determine the length of time required to do the retrieve.  In addition,
they are interested in being able to "batch" retrieves and generate
information about how long the "batch" would take and then either do it
in real-time or push it off to some other time and let the end user know
what's going on.

Does anybody know if there is an API to the HSM client and if so, is it
documented?  And if not, will the dsmfileinfo and dsmfind programs yield
some of this information in a programmable way?

Any help, as always, is appreciated!


Kelly J. Lipp
VP Manufacturing & CTO
STORServer, Inc.
485-B Elkton Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

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