I have seen many options here, but the first, most simple thing to do is
to make sure that TSM actually knows anything at all about your missing

First, find out how many tapes you are supposed to have, total, based on
what has been purchased, minus what has been destroyed.

Second, find out what tapes are known by TSM:
SELECT count(*) from LIBVOLUMES where STATUS='Scratch'
SELECT count(*) from VOLHISTORY where TYPE not like 'STG%'

If you are missing volumes at this point, then volumes are either being
checked out as Scratch, or volume history is being deleted while the
volumes are checked out.  This commonly happens with DELETE VOLHIST T=DBB
or for DBS when you're using DRM.

If everything is fine at this point, then you're simply consuming more
tapes.  You would want to see where tapes have been used frequencly now
that they were not used in the past.

Creative queries off of VOLHISTORY or simply dumping it and looking for a
growing trend in STGNEW in one pool might help.

You might be able to see something from Q VOL if one stgpool has more
volumes than you recall.

Or as was already stated by others in the list, Q LIBV and look for many
Private volumes with a blank LAST USE.  This would indicate, most likely,
that the volume was not labelled before being checked in.

On Fri, 23 Mar 2007, Bell, Charles (Chip) wrote:

Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2007 09:41:06 -0500
From: "Bell, Charles (Chip)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
Subject: Shrinking scratch pools - tips?

Since this a GREAT place for info, etc., I though I would ask for
tips/how-to's on tracking down why my scratch pools are dwindling, for
LTO/LTO2/VTL. My guess is I have a couple of clients that are sending out a
vast amount of data to primary/copy. But without a good reporting tool, how
can I tell? Expiration/reclamation runs fine, and I am going to run a check
against my Iron Mountain inventory to see if there is anything there that
should be here. What else would you guys/gals look at?  :-)  Thanks in

God bless you!!!

Chip Bell
Network Engineer I
IBM Tivoli Certified Deployment Professional
Baptist Health System
Birmingham, AL

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