Has anyone else seen this issue with the newer clients? According to the readme on this was supposedly resolved but we have a client at level showing these errors in the logs.
05/03/2007 15:01:20 jnlWrite(): Pipe connection was severed, attempting re-establish session on pipe '\\.\pipe\jnlSession_1' ... 05/03/2007 15:01:20 jnlWrite(): Reconnect failed. 05/03/2007 15:01:29 win32NpWrite(): Error 6 writing to named pipe 05/03/2007 15:01:29 jnlWrite(): Write failed, rc -190 from commWrite(). Geoff Gill TSM Administrator PeopleSoft Sr. Systems Administrator SAIC M/S-G1b (858)826-4062 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]