On May 24, 2007, at 8:39 AM, Barrett Keziah wrote:

...  The tape in question, "A00005" is an archtape and is
loaded in the tape library.  ...

ANR1044I Removable volume A00005 is required for space

A tape may be physically present in a library, but not in a way which
allows it to be mountable.  In a 3494, for example, a tape may be
"misplaced" because the 3494 Library Manager lost track of it,
typically because it's stuck in a drive (dismount failure, which is
often apparent through the drive or path being offline in TSM). More
simply, the tape may not be checked in to TSM.  Not knowing your
library type, we can't specifically advise, but you know how to
perform the needed library and/or TSM queries to track this down.
The TSM SHow LIBRary command may help, if it's a drive issue.  If a
"SCSI" library, an Elements review may help, or an Audit Library may
be needed.  But start with the library itself.  A physical inspection
of the library may be a good move, to assure that the tape wasn't
dropped inside it, for example.

  Richard Sims

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