We are in the process of making some major changes to our TSM systems.
part if this is moving
our primary tape storage pools to new 3584 libraries (from 3494).  We just
finished moving
the first of of two big pools.  I thought I'd share how this worked.

We have a primary tape pool in our "TSM1" instance. that used 3590 drives
in a 3494
library.  The tapes were a mixture of 40 and 60gb tapes - more 60 than 40.

The origional plan was to just to do the normal process . . .
      - setup new pool
      - change NEXTPOOL from the staging area to point to the new pool
      - change the batch scripts for the copy pools
      - add NEXTPOOL to the oritional pool to point to the new pool
      - fire up migration and let it run

After some playing around, I decided not to use migration to move the data
to the new pool.  Since this would be running for a long time, I needed
control so as to not tie up all the tape drive resources.  My solution was
to script
a movedata process that would run as many movedata cmds as it could, yet
still leaving tape drives free.

The script worked off a parm file that tells it how many movedata's to
run concurrently and how many free drives there had to be to start
another movedata.  At times I had 8 movedata's running concurrently, and
at other times (mostly during the morning) no movedata's running.  This
turned out to work very well.

Below is the data about the migration . . . . .


114TB/1855tapes moved in 26 days.

      Total tapes 221  (500gb cartridges)
            Full        201
            Filling      20
            maxscratch  250

      Colocation was OFF during the migration.

      Total at start    1839  (on  5/2)
      Data to move      114TB (on  5/2)
      Tapes moved       1855  (on 5/29)

Tapes copied by day:

      May 02 = 33
      May 03 = 58
      May 04 = 58
      May 05 = 56
      May 06 = 47
      May 07 = 78
      May 07 = 59
      May 08 = 80
      May 09 = 60
      May 10 = 49
      May 11 = 77
      May 12 = 59
      May 13 = 49
      May 14 = 90
      May 15 = 99
      May 16 = 96
      May 17 = 81
      May 18 = 112
      May 19 = 74
      May 20 = 70
      May 21 = 108
      May 22 = 99
      May 23 = 104
      May 24 = 94
      May 25 = 59
      May 29 = 6

      total = 1855

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