
1) You can change ownership of a scratch volume by using the 'upd libv
owner= stat=' command. See help upd libv
2) Yes, the volumes used by the library client (TSMSun) will be return
to the scratch pool. The scratch pool is managed by the library manager
and both ITSM servers can use tapes from the same scratch pools.
3) TSMSky is the library manager and as such managing the total number
of scratch tapes. If TSMSky is running out of scratch tapes, there are
no scratch tapes available. Not something you would like to see happen.

The q libv command will not work on the library client. 



-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Avy Wong
Sent: dinsdag 12 juni 2007 17:24
Subject: volume owner

      I noticed that when I do a query ' q libv' , it shows a list of
volumes with 'Private ' and 'Scratch' status. We have two instances,
TSMSky and TSMSun shared the same library 3584.
My question is ...
1) how do you designate ownership to volumes?
2) does the ownership change back to null, once it has returned to
then TSMSky or TSMSun can claim the scratch for their use later?
3) If TSM Sky ran out of scratch volumes, will it move automatically to
TSMSun to use those scratch volumes under ownership of TSMSun?

tsm: TSMSky>q libv

Library Name     Volume Name     Status         Owner          Last Use
      Home        Device
                        Element     Type
------------            -----------     ----------     ----------
---------             -------     ------
SkyLTO                 CA0001          Scratch
            1,282       LTO
SkyLTO               CA0002          Scratch
            1,283       LTO
SkyLTO               CA0003          Private        TSMSky        Data
      1,284       LTO
SkyLTO               CA0004          Private        TSMSun
      1,288       LTO
SkyLTO               CA0005          Scratch
            1,291       LTO
SkyLTO               CA0006          Private        TSMSky  Data
1,292       LTO
SkyLTO               CA0007          Private        TSMSky
      1,307       LTO
SkyLTO               CA0008          Scratch
            1,323       LTO
SkyLTO               CA0009          Private        TSMSun
      1,325       LTO
SkyLTO               CA0010          Private        TSMSun
      1,326       LTO
SkyLTO               CA0011          Scratch
            1,344       LTO

Thank you.

Avy Wong
Business Continuity Administrator
Mohegan Sun
1 Mohegan Sun Blvd
Uncasville, CT 06382
ext 28164
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