uff. i tried this what you wrote, i tried "the thing" from appendix
... and it does not work,

i'm confused with "owner" keyword ... as  far as i figured out, it
should go something like this ---> dsmcad-dsm sched is started as root
but when time comes for tdpo part in backup command the ownership
should be in oracle hands ... right?

the appendix states i need 3 servername stanzas but the second one is
totally out of scope since is not connected to any of other stanzas or
*.opt files ... even the nodename parameter is not in :-S

... boy i'm working on this the whole day ... i hope i'll find some magic soon


regular backup node : ASMPSR
# more dsm_asmpsr.opt

# more dsm.sys

  COMMmethod         TCPip
  TCPPort            1500
  TCPServeraddress   axptsm01.vipnet.hr
  NodeName           asmpsr
  inclexcl           /usr/local/etc/inclexcl.asmpsr
  Mailprog           /usr/bin/mail root
  Schedlogname       /var/adm/dsmsched.asmpsr
  Schedlogretention  7 D
  ERRORLOGNAM        /var/adm/dsmerror_asmpsr.log
  errorlogretention  7 D
  MANAGEDSERVICES    schedule webclient
  memoryefficientbackup yes

tdpo node name: ASMPSR_tdpo

# ls -l dsm.sys
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     system           37 Jun 14 08:57 dsm.sys ->
# cat dsm.sys

       COMMmethod         TCPip
       TCPPort            1500
       TCPServeraddress   axptsm01.vipnet.hr
       NodeName           ASMPSR_tdpo
       Mailprog           /usr/bin/mail root
       *PASSWORDACCESS     Prompt
       PASSWORDACCESS     Generate
       Schedlogname       /var/adm/dsmsched.ASMPSR_tdpo.log
       Schedlogretention  7 D
       ERRORLOGNAM        /var/adm/dsmerror_ASMPSR_tdpo.log
       errorlogretention  7 D
       QUERYSCHED      12
       *MANAGEDSERVICES    schedule webclient
       memoryefficientbackup no

# cd /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/bin64

# more ASMPSR_tdpo.opt

* IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases
* Data Protection for Oracle
* Sample tdpo.opt for the AIX Data Protection for Oracle 64bit

DSMI_ORC_CONFIG    /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin64/dsm_ASMPSR_tdpo.opt

*DSMI_LOG           <dirname>

*TDPO_FS            orc9_db

*TDPO_NODE          <hostname>
TDPO_NODE          ASMPSR_tdpo

*TDPO_OWNER         <username>
*TDPO_OWNER         oracle

*TDPO_PSWDPATH      /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/bin64

*TDPO_NUM_FMT       1

*TDPO_MGMT_CLASS_2   orcbackup
*TDPO_MGMT_CLASS_3   mgmtclass3
*TDPO_MGMT_CLASS_4   mgmtclass4


# pwd

# more dsm_ASMPSR_tdpo.opt

where to put what? why? how? ... i think i have everything right but
all i miss is something small ... as usual ...

PS: does tdpoconf has something to do with it ?


On 6/13/07, Richard Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Jun 13, 2007, at 10:40 AM, goc wrote:

> another thing is what about PASSWORDACCESS Prompt for TDPO ? if i want
> to use dsmcad the PASSWORDACCESS has to be generate, right ? otherwise
> i'm getting ANS2050E TSM needs to prompt for the password but cannot
> prompt  because the process is running in the backgroud

Keep thinking about the scheduler and the TDP clear and separate...
dsmcad is part of the Backup-Archive client, and is unrelated to the
API, which is the basis of TDP operation.  dsmcad runs 'dsmc
schedule' as a child process, and dsmc is part of B/A.  The B/A
client has a conventional directory for its options files; the API
has its own conventional directory for its options files; and a TDP
such as oracle can specify a location for separate options via an
environment variable (dsmi_orc_config).  Often, for sanity, the API
dsm.sys filename is actually a symbolic link to the B/A dsm.sys file,
wherein there is a separate stanza for API use, as named in the API
dsm.opt.  Via such separations, it is possible to use Passwordaccess
Generate for running the TDP via scheduling, because that is just a B/
A client vehicle for running an Action=Command type schedule, to kick
off the TDP backup in its own environment.  See the appendix in your
TDPO manual, which describes setting this up.

    Richard Sims   not an Oracle guy

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