From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager on behalf of Justin Miller
Not to rain on your parade or anything but in talking to my IBM rep she
told me that the licensing strategy is indeed changing with the 5.4
release but not for the better in my opinion.  Now instead of basing it on
the number of CPU's that you have, it will now be based upon the type of
CPU you have.  Each CPU type will have a certain number of "value units"
assigned to it and you have to purchase the value units in something like
blocks of 10 so that you end up with enough to cover the type of CPU you
are using.  Sounds fun doesn't it?  Obviously their way of getting you for
have CPU's with multiple cores.

Coming in a bit late on this conversation, but I think it's an important one.
Counting CPUs is a snap for windows: from a DOS prompt, type
   set n
for the number of CPUs. (The type of processor can be easily deduced by the 
make/model of server.) Use your existing Windows domain admin tools to do this 
for all machines from one location, and parse appropriately.
For UNIX--hey, any decent UNIX admin knows how to do that. Parse and plug into 
your spreadsheet.
BTW, Tivoli only went to this audit process because there have become too many 
users that have violated the "on your honor" basis that Tivoli followed for a 
long time.
Also, the licensing scheme Justin described actually started with version 5.3.
Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ) 
Senior consultant

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