As I noted in a previous posting, I did some experiments where I
collected processor count information remotely by executing a command
with a return code equal to the number of processors. I have gotten
a request to share the code I used.

My experiments were done in 2004. I don't know whether all of the
commands will work with newer OS levels.

The process always involved a scheduled event with 'action=command'
and 'object' parameter consisting of an 'exit' command followed by
something that evaluates to the number of processors.

For Windows I used:

object="exit %number_of_processors%"

I don't think this works correctly with hyperthreading processors;
I think it reports the total number of hyperthreads rather than the
number of processors.

For Linux I used:

object="exit `grep ^processor /proc/cpuinfo|wc -l`"

This has the same problem with hyperthreading as my Windows code.
However, the /proc/cpuinfo psuedo-file also contained 'sibling'
lines reporting the number of hyperthreads per processor. I
captured this number using the following:

object="exit `grep ^siblings /proc/cpuinfo|head -1|cut -d: -f2`"

This code assumes that all of the sibling values are the same.
As far as I know, nobody is marketing systems that violate
this assumption.

For HP-UX I used:

object="exit `/etc/ioscan -kC processor|grep processor|wc -l`"

For AIX I used:

object="exit `lsdev -Cc processor|wc -l`"

For Solaris I used:

object="exit `/usr/sbin/psrinfo|wc -l`"

The Web search that turned up this command also turned up a
warning that no known method of querying processor counts
works on all Solaris releases. My notes don't indicate theOS level of the
system I tested this code on.

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