We have successfully installed tsm client 5.3.3 on a windows cluster 
environment + it is going well except for one small scheduling issue.
I set the tsm service(s).... "client acceptor", tsm scheduler service"....  
startup type="MANUAL" for all the cluster nodes.
For the purpose of failover I thought this was the way to go.
 Client machine#1 goes down for x reason the resources shift to one of the 
other available nodes in the cluster.
My schedule will run on the node that currently has the resource assigned.
If we are installing window patches + we reboot a node (the tsm schedule 
services are not automatically restarted, We end up with missed schedule.
Can we run tsm window cluster backups with all the nodes (physical, virtual) 
TSM services running in "automatic" mode ? (what is the negative).
ps: I'm using schedmode = prompted

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