> If we currently have 6 3590-h drives in the 3494 library, do you think can
> we get by with 4 LTO-4 drives in the new libraries given that speed and
> storage capacity is so much better with LTO-4 drives? Most of the tape
> activity is backups only. Occasionally we have a file restore or two.

It depends.  "Probably", if your host can PUSH the data to the LTO-4
drives faster than they currently push it to the 3590's.

> We are hoping to keep the new tape library for 5+ years so reliability is
> a
> big factor.  Any LTO-4 libraries more reliable than others?

Absolutely.  There are Enterprise-class libraries, mid-range tape
libraries, and entry-level libraries.  Since you are talking 4 drives, you
are talking mid-range or Enterprise class libraries.

The 3584 (now mysteriously renamed to the TS3500) is the replacement for
the 3584, and will give you the same or BETTER reliability.  You can also
buy it with a "limited capacity" option (which is either 80 or 100 slots,
don't remmeber), and it is muich more economical that way.  The
Quantum/Adic i2000 will give you the same reliability, although I don't
like it because it won't autoclean.  The large STK libraries are also
enterprise-class.  I don't know if Overland has an Enterprise-class

Speaking from personal experience, any models below those, aren't going to
give you the kind of reliability you are used to with the 3494.

Just my opionion, and nobody else's.

 Do tapes last
> 5
> years?
> Any advice or ideas are very welcome as everything is undecided right now.
> John

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